Chapter 7

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"You know it's kind of creepy to just chill in his room and wait for him to come back right" Octavia asks with a sigh as she scrolls through Instagram on her phone

Octavia was sitting up on the bed and leaning Against the headboard while Randall was laying down between her legs on her stomach reading a magazine

"Yeah well we need to get him under control before Lilith decides to kill him" Randall says

"Lilith isn't going to kill him she's just saying that she will" Octavia says to defend her friend even though both of them new that Lilith would do it when Hamish gave her permission and probably even before that

"It's gonna work out. He's going to figure it out and everything will be fine" Randall says to reassure the girl as well as himself "silverback chose him as champion. That's got to mean something"

The door opens and jack walks in and doesn't notice them as he turns around to shut the door

"I know that look" Randal says and Jack turns around quickly with wide eyes and fear on his face "life's pretty hectic until you learn how to control the wolf"

Jack begins to walk over to them and octavia turns of her phone and stares at the boy as he says "hectic is not the word that I would use. How the hell did you get in here anyway"

"Poof. Magic" Randall says and makes weird gestures with his hands

"You know. The fairies let us in" Octavia grins

"If it were magic I would have heard that damn ringing and fairies aren't real" Jack says and stands next to the bed

"You've already made that connection. Sweet" Randall says and then sits up and stands next to jack but Octavia stays in her place in the bed

"Just so you know fairies are real" Octavia says with a scoff "you think witches and werewolves are real but fairies can't be?"

"That's a good point. The first time I heard the ringing I thought that I was having a stroke" Jack mumbles and puts his hands on his hips and then begins to pace around the room "why the hell does it keep trying to make me change anyway"

"It's not the ringing it's silverback driving the change" Randall says with a duh look on his face

"The dining basically drags him out. He hears that sound and then he will try and get out" Octavia says and shrugs her shoulders

"Yeah well I need him to stop trying so hard cause I almost transformed in the middle of an incantation tonight" Jack says angrily and Octavia and Randall's eyes widen

"Dude you got into the order? Why didn't you tell us?" Randall says and grabs jacks shoulders excitedly and jack shoved him off

"Because it's a secret society" Jack says

"This is great now we can't kill you" Randall says in excitement

"Good job jack. Now I don't have to try and hold Lilith back from ripping you apart. Now she can't do it" Octavia grins widely and does a little dance with her arms

"Why would you want to kill me" jack asks angrily

"No we are saying that we don't want to kill you. If you're a double agent maybe Lilith and Hamish won't either" Randall says with a grin

"Why do they want to kill me" Jack asks

Octavia scoffs and stands up of the bed "jeez man why do you ask so many damn questions. It's because you won't say the oath and join us"

"That seems extreme" Jack says and shakes his head

"Werewolves" Octavia says and shrugs her shoulders

"This is awesome. You'll be our guy on the inside" Randall says excitedly and grabs Octavias hand and pulls her towards the door but jack grabs Octavia hand and pulls both of them back

"Wait hey guys you can't tell them" jack says quickly and let's go of Octavia hand when he sees the look Randall was giving him

"It's either that or Lilith Rips your heart out" Randall says in an annoyed tone "we're trying to save your life"

"And I'm trying to come to terms with this. I need some time" Jack says "and my heart"

Randall nods his head and pulls Octavia towards the door "we'll do what we can"

"But they won't wait forever" Octavia says and then they leave jacks dorm room and walk back to their house hand in hand

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