chapter 10

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"Alright ladies and gentlemen, now for what you have all been waiting for..." Randall says and puts his key into the lock o the door but it doesn't turn. He tries again and makes a struggling face as he tries to push on the door to open it

"Well... this is working out well isn't it Randy?" Octavia asks with a grin and then grabs the door handle and rips it off easily and then pushed o the door and it opened up straight away. Octavia sent a smirk and a wink over at Randall and then walked straight into the roo ad the others followed in after her "I guess he must have changed the locks"

"He's not supposed to change the locks. Now i have to write him up" Randall sighs and looks around at the room in disappointment 

"I think you can save the ink," Lilith says with a smirk as she looks around the room

"And i think that you owe me $10" Octavia grins and steps up on her tippy toes and places a quick kiss on his cheek

they look around the room that had changed quite drastically since the last time that Randall and Octavi had been in there. The room was now full of expensive and brand new equipment,m game consoles, chairs and heaps of other things

"Okay... this room is ten times cooler than it used to be," Randall says slowly and begin to look at all of the things in the room and then he turns to Hamish and tries to defend jack again "But that doesn't prove that he is doing magic{"

"yeah maybe he just won the lottery or something," Octavia says sarcastically 

Hamish picks up a piece of paper off the desk that has a symbol on the front that definitely ha to do with magic and looks over at Randall with a winning glare and says "this does" and Lilith  nods her head with a smug look and points over at the piece of paper that Hamish was holding on to

Randall lets out a long sigh and walks over to Hamish and lilith and says "i still don't think that e should kill him. He's smart. he got 96% on that"

"yeah by cheating Randy" Octavia says with a sigh "Look he probably doesn't know what the consequences of using magic are and he probably doesn't know that he is doing the wrong thing so i think we should just keep an eye on him for a bit longer and see what happens. He doesn't seem like the kind of kid to sell us out if he got caught anyway"

"He is in the order we cant trust him" Lilith fights back a looks at Octavia with pleading eyes, It was rare for the best friends to not agree on something but the boy hadn't really done anything wrong so far and Octavia wasn't going to let him lose his life for it, especially by the werewolves

"Silverback chose him for a reason. we should try and figur4e out what that reason is" Randall says to Lilith

"hey hey hey Last time i checked Octavia was in charge so we should do what Octavia says" Hamish says and all of them look over at the girl waiting for her order.

a large smirk covers over Octavias face as she says "i say that there is only one way that we can really settle this... beer pong!"

"Ha, drink up loser" Hamish laughs as he throws the ping pong ball into the cup 

"And don't spill half of it this time," Lilith says as she stands next to Hamish on one side of the beer pong table while Randall stand by himself on the other

"come on Tav can you please be on my side" Randall begs her as she sits on the couch watching the with a big toothy grin on her face

"Sorry babe, you know i don't participate in anything that has to do with alcohol" Octavia replies and takes a sip of her lemonade and sticks her hand in a bowl that was full of popcorn while she watched their games like it was a movie 

Randall looks down at his cup in sadness and thought and then looks back up across the table at hamish and Lilith and says "what have we become?"

all of the other werewolves just look at him in confusion and wait for him to explain whatever he was talking about 

"We're the nights of saint Christopher. We're supposed to be champions of all that is good and just. we are supposed to be defenders of the innocent and look at us running a game of beer pong to decide if Jack Morton lives or dies" Randall says and they all look at him in surprise and understanding but Octavia just has a knowing smirk on her face 

"You guys do know he's saying that just because he is losing right?" Octavia asks with a laugh and then walks over to the beer pong table and stands next to Randall and takes the beer pong ball in her hand and the opposite team looks at her in fear "Whos ready to get the real game started?"

"Fine. best out of three?" Lilith asks and smirks over at her best friends and Octavia shakes her head

"deal" Her and Randall both say with happy smirks and Octavia throws the ball and gets it in straight away

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2020 ⏰

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