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'Okay, so you will be good to go by SummerSlam,' Sam, the trainer, said as he went over Drew's rehab with him. I was sat in a corner of the office, our 11 month old son bouncing on my knee. 'You can start the programme that has been written, just no hard bumps in the ring.'
'What programme? I haven't been told anything,' came Drew's reply.
'Maybe you should go down and see Hunter whilst you're here. I'm sure he will explain everything. Remember to ice your muscle after working out still and you shouldn't have any problems.'
'Thanks for everything Sam,' We both stood up, I placedAJ on my hip and shook Sam's hand. Grabbing the diaper bag, we left the trainer's office. Drew turned to me.
'I'm gonna go and see Hunter, then we can head home, okay?' He kissed the top of my head and squeezed AJ's chunky little leg. I turned and headed down the corridor toward the gym.
'Well, hello there sexy mama. What are you doing here?' I looked up and saw Austin by the weights station. He put down the dumbell and came to give me a hug. 'How is my favourite girl? And how is my favourite little dude?' He tickled AJ's tummy, causing the baby to squeal. Several superstars turned to the noise, then continued their workouts.
'Drew has come in to see the trainer. Hopefully he should be cleared soon, so he can get back in the ring and we can start the next chapter.'
'Hey Katelyn,' Sheamus came over to say hi. 'Hi little fella. You excited to be coming back?'
'Hell yeah. It's been a tough 9 months for us, being away from all the craziness here, but we've had time to watch AJ grow and develop, which we would've missed if we'd have been on the road.'
'When are you due back?' Austin asked. Drew came through the door, took the wriggling AJ from me and sat on the gym mats by the mirrored wall with him.
'We've not been given a timetable for return yet, but hopefully the Wednesday after SummerSlam we should be back on NXT.'
'No we won't,' Drew said. He had AJ standing up, grasping both of his daddy's thumbs, dancing and giggling in the mirror. I looked at him.
'What do you mean? Sam said you'll be good to go by SummerSlam weekend.'
'Yeah, but we aren't going back to NXT. Vince wants us to move to the main roster. I'm to interfere in Ziggler's match with Seth at SummerSlam, which will start a tag team rivalry, teaming me and Dolph against Seth and Ambrose.'
'But what about the Roman plan?'
'That's on the back burner for now. Vince and Hunter want to ease me back in with a tag team rivalry first, then I will get my shot with Roman.'
'Okay.' I turned back to say goodbye to Austin, but he had already disappeared. 'Shall we head home? I just want a bath and an early night.'
'Sure,' he replied, scooping AJ up in his arms and we walked out of the gym, down the corridor to the main entrance. Leaving the air conditioned building, we were slapped in the face with 90°f heat and the sight of my sister kissing Elias. Drew cleared his throat and the pair jumped apart.
'Bethany, we're ready to leave,' I said, opening up the trunk of my new 2018 Land Rover Discovery. Drew had surprised me on my birthday with a brand new 4x4, even though I was adamant that my old one was fine, despite it breaking down several times. I put AJ's diaper bag and Drew's gym bag in the trunk while Drew wrestled a squirming AJ into his car seat. He finally got the little one buckled in and got into the passenger seat.
'Okay, call me later,' I heard Beth say to Elias.
'Sure thing, sweetie.' I closed the trunk and watched as Beth kissed Elias goodbye and walked towards us. I raised an eyebrow at her and chuckled.
'What?' she said, climbing into the back seat next to her nephew. I climbed into the driver's seat and started the engine.
'I thought you guys were just friends? And besides, isn't he dating Nia?'
'No, they're just really close friends. Like you and Austin. We went out a few times the other week when he was in town and really hit it off.'
'You better be careful,' I warned. The last thing we needed was Bethany getting pregnant.

Later that night, as Drew was putting AJ to bed, I went out onto the decking and switched on the hot tub, then walked back into the kitchen and opened a bottle of wine. After pouring the cold liquid into a couple of wine glasses, I stripped down to my underwear, grabbed a towel from the pile on the kitchen table and walked back out onto the decking, glass of wine in hand. Climbing into the hot tub, I put my glass of wine on the side, slipped off my bra and panties and threw them onto the deck.
'Is this glass for me?' I heard Drew call from the kitchen. 'Where are you?'
'Yeah, I'm in the hot tub,' I replied. I picked up my glass, took a big gulp of my wine and put it back on the side. Drew walked out of the French doors, perspiration flecked his naked torso, and sat on the corner sofa. 'Did AJ get off to sleep okay?'
'Yeah, I read him a story and he was out like a light before I could finish.'
'Well, I hope you don't have that problem tonight,' I winked, hoping he would get the hint. I watched as he got up, crossed the decking and stood in front of me, his crotch right in my line of vision.
'Oh, believe me princess, after no sex for almost a year, I won't have a problem in finishing.' Drew and I hadn't had sex since the night of our wedding nearly 12 months previously. There had been a couple of times when we had come close, but we were either interrupted by AJ's cries or were just too exhausted to do anything.

Taking off his gym shorts, Drew stepped into the hot tub and positioned himself in front of me. He picked me up, I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him, hoping that the urgency in my kiss would spur him into initiating sex.
'Are you sure you want to do this?' he asked me between kisses. I nodded.
'I don't know how long I will be able to keep pushing you away,' I breathed, curling my fingers into his hair. I kissed him again as he pushed me so my back was flush against the side of the hot tub, knocking my wine glass in the process. I let his hands explore my body, feeling down my chest and tummy before toying with my pubic hair. His hand slipped between my thighs and he positioned his hard cock at my entrance before slamming himself into me. 'Oh Andrew,' I moaned. It felt like such a strange sensation. Drew stilled himself for a moment to let me get used to his large cock being inside me.
'You okay?' Drew asked.
'It just feels a little weird, that's all.'
'It feels good to me.' He slowly began to move, thrusting in and out, teasing me. 'Damn, how have you gotten tighter?'
'Good to know my pelvic floor exercises paid off,' I chuckled. As he picked up speed, I met him thrust for thrust, water slashing all around us, I felt a very familiar feeling forming in my abdomen.
'Oh God!' I cried, letting my nails sink into his back. 'Andrew, don't stop. That's it, right there. Oh fuck!' I let go of the orgasm that had been building for the last 5 minutes, not being able to hold onto it any longer. Drew pulled out of me, making me wince slightly. My hand travelled down his torso and gripped his still hard cock and I began to work the shaft.
'Kate, don't you dare stop doing that,' Drew said into my hair. I withdrew my hand, grinned at him and ducked my head underwater, taking his cock on my mouth. I ran my tongue up the underside of his shaft and began to suck his cock. I could feel his hand help guide me. His hips bucked and warm salty liquid spurted down my throat. I swallowed his load and came back up above the water. 'Damn, I knew there was a reason I married you,' he joked, kissing my now wet hair. 'You wanna go inside? It's getting quite dark now.'
'Sure.' We both climbed out of the hot tub, I grabbed the towel and wrapped it around my body and we walked across the deck into the house.

'Babe, can you get AJ?' I heard Drew call from the bathroom as I walked down the hall to the nursery.
'Already there,' I called back. I picked the crying baby up from out of his crib and let him latch on to my breast. Sitting in the high backed rocking chair by the door to the balcony, I lay my head back and let AJ have his feed. After a few minutes, AJ had fallen back to sleep, still suckling at my nipple.
'Have I told you how beautiful you look right now?' I lifted my head and saw Drew leaning against the door frame, a towel wrapped around his waist. He crossed the room and crouched down beside me. I grabbed my phone with my free hand and snapped a quick selfie of the three of us, then posted it to my Instagram with the caption 'Breast is best #normalizebreastfeeding'
Drew picked up AJ and put him in his crib whilst I retied my silk kimono. Standing up, I unlocked the balcony door and stepped out into the warm July night. I felt Drew stand behind me and place his head on my shoulder, looking out toward our private jetty.
'I love you Mrs Galloway. Thank you for making me the happiest man alive these last 16 months. It's hard to believe that AJ will be 1 in a few weeks.'
'I know! Beth keeps asking if we're throwing him a party, but what's the point?'
'We could always have our friends over, they can bring their kids and we have barbecue. That way we get the best of both worlds. We get to see all our friends and AJ gets his birthday party.' I kissed his cheek. 'What was that for?'
'For just being you.' I shivered slightly, forcing me to tighten my kimono around me.
'Shall we head inside? I can go for round 2 if you're game.'

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