we are at 10....

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As soon as Sonia walked into the room all the girls went quiet. Staring at her staring into her soul. All boys but Kazuichi and Gundam questioned their actions. till one of the girls shouted "I'm sorry you must be in the wrong classroom Sonia because we don't hang out with man stealing whores" while the others responded with something like "Yeah get lost" or "you messed up Sonia". Though the guys were still confused they were getting a grasp on the situation. They formed a circle and drew sticks for who would ask the girls. Nagito got the short stick. He went to ask Mikan who wasn't yelling at Sonia. She hesitantly explained to Nagito and he left thanking her for the info. He told the others and in unison, they turned their heads to Gundham. They went to confront him like Mikan, he explained the situation to them and started to cry again almost immediately after. The boys felt bad so they devised a plan.

*Lunch bell*

The plan was finally being put into action. Hajime, Fuyuhiko, and the ultimate imposter split up to inform the ladies about what happened and tell them about the plan of course leaving out Miss Sonia. Which brings up Nekomarus' job to keep an eye on Sonia. Teru Terus job was to keep his hands to himself. In the end the ladies who agreed or had time to help where Peko, Ibuki, Chiaki, and Hiyoko though she just wanted to see the boys get beat up.

When school was over Kazuichi was just gonna go home. He had to think of a way to tell his mom about their break up. And Gundham had to feed his animals while hopefully catching some sleep. (But nobody threw it.) what they didn't know is those plans were about to be canceled. The last two people in the classroom were Kazuichi and Gundham. When Kazuichi exited the classroom he was met with a bat to the face. Gundhams head looked up when he heard the scream running to the exit but sadly meeting the same fate. The plan was to drag them into a janitor closet but since they couldn't agree on who would drag them they just put them in the closest bathroom. Their plan was to make them stay in there till they made up or made out. Though keeping them in the bathroom sounds tricky it wasn't. Earlier Nagito had found keys to all the school's doors just laying on the floor. Since everyone else had plans after that Hajime and Nagito said they would stay till they made up. I mean it couldn't be that long right. Wrong. The boys woke up hours later just after The boys outside the bathroom got a little carried away with all the privacy.

"Huh, what happene- you," Kazuichi said, disguised. Waking up the peaceful sleeper Gundham.

"*Yawn* where am I. and who beat me over the head with a bat " He was tired. So tired he didn't even see Kazuichi.

"He cheater is this your doing," Kazuichi said furiously

"Oh hey. Why would I knock us both out and somehow move us to the bathroom"

"It doesn't matter, I'm leaving," he said, trying to pull the door open. "Ugh it won't budge"

Pulling as hard as he could Kazuichi fell back. "Ugh" Kazuichi tried again and again and again.

"Mortal if I didn't work the first trillion times why would it work now."

"Huh is the cheater talking "

"I'm not a cheater if you would only listen to me "

"You kissed Sonia while you were in a relationship with me. Is that not cheating"

"I didn't kiss her she threw herself onto me when you walked in. I'm sure you would be shocked if your best friend kissed you out of the blue"

"Is. is that really what happened"

"Yes. I would say ask Sonia but she would deny it"

"Im so so sorry i should have listened to you."Kazuichi ran to give Gundham a Hug. They hugged for what seemed like forever but was probably like 12 minutes. Even if it had been only one day for them it felt like an eternity without the other. After it got awkward they both sat back down. Kazuichi sitting on Gundham's lap but still facing him.


 I woke up In Nagitos room. the thouhs of last night rushing to my head. I sat up as the blush ran to my face and the pain to my back. wait."SHIT" Nagito boulted up 

"Whats wrong babe"Nagito said as i tried my best to get out of the bed with out falling. putiing jeans on i said

"We forgot about Gundham and Souda."

"Im sure they are fine Hinata" Nagito said still fazed by the lack of sleep

"NO we have the keys and their phones we where supposed to get them out after they made up"

"Shit" Nagito said while quickly get dressed and grabing the keys to his car and the Bathroom. "Babe you shoud stay home ill take care of it and come right back"I agreed waving to Nagito as he rushed out the door. 

Now i dont know what went down then but when Nagito got back he told me nothing really happened. 


i just want food

Help :3

peace out rats 

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