i forgot to put a title haha

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Just 30 more seconds. Kazuichi thought. Just 30 more and he would officially be halfway through the week. Which meant his mom's wedding was only 1 and a half weeks away. He was excited. Also, Kazuichi asked Mahiru to take photos of the wedding so his mom could remember this hay day. The only reason she agreed is that Kazuichi helped her with a photoshoot once and she promised she would repay him somehow. Everything was going great.



And the school day was over. He could finally figure out where Gundham and him were going. It had been bothering him all day. Whenever he asked Gundham he would always change the subject or completely ignore him. Maybe Tanaka still needed time to think though he highly doubted that he would have asked Kazuichi to bring spare clothes if he didn't have something in mind. "So are you finally gonna tell me where we are going?" Kazuichi said.

"You will see when we get there my dark prince," HE said for the 30th time today. Kazuichi had in fact been counting.

"Do you need me to change now or"

" now would be more convenient"

"Ok ill be right back," Kazuichi said, skipping to the bathroom with Gundham slowly trailing behind him. but Tanaka stopped outside the restroom. He wondered what the mortal wore for normal occasions when he wasn't building or at school. He probably wore some annoying bright colored shirts and or pants or maybe sweatpants. Oh, course complete with oil stains. He was taking quite a bit of time but they were in no hurry. When he heard the door open. Gundham turned his head toward the exit almost instantly, having a nosebleed. Kazuichi was wearing a white turtleneck with a magenta, purple, and blue stripe. Making the Bi flag. For pants, he wore black overalls that stopped right before his white socks. All topped off with bright yellow converse and several bracelets with his hair in a ponytail. Shit, Gundham thought. Be felt his face heating up. He did not expect this. He covered his face with his scarf.

" you look astonishing Mortal Kazuichi," Gundham said

" oh thank you, Gundy!! Now let's go, I'm getting curious" Kazuichi said almost childlike.

" yeah" was all Gundham could say

They left the school property head south. Though Kazuichi had lived in this town his entire life he still had no idea where they might be going. Kazuichi never really had to walk anywhere other than to school and back home. His mom drove him everywhere and Kazuichi wasn't really one to pay attention to scenery. As they were walking they passed many friends on their way home. When suddenly a huge building came into view. Kazuichi felt like an idiot. Why didn't he think of the mall? Once they made it there they were hit by the smell of food and the talking and walking of people. Since they came in through the front entrance they had a bit more walking to do till they reached their destination. Walking past many stores, Kazuichi noticed Gundham staring at something, perhaps an article of clothing he liked or maybe a pet store. But when Kazuichi turned to look he turned bright red. It was a clothing store like Kazuichi suspected but maybe Gundham saw someone else wearing it. NO matter how you look at it Tanaka was imagining someone wearing a black maid outfit with cat ears and a tail. And it definitely wasn't himself. 

While still walking Kazuichi caught a glimpse of the price. KAzuichi definitely had enough for the one Gundham had his eyes on. After they passed they store Kazuichi took a mental note about where it was and continued along with Gundham. They finally stopped in front of a cafe. As they walked in Kazuichi's face lit up. KITTENS. Ahhhhhh Kazuichi thought. He was having a cuteness overload. Gundham saw Kazuichi's reaction and laughed. 

 They ordered food and sat down and almost automatically two kittens fell asleep on Kazuichi's lap. Their names were Misaki and Saruhiko( if you understand you understand :). According to one of the workers, they were a couple and could only be bought together. But who in their right mind would separate those two adorable kittens? Misaki was a cute little tabby with white and orange stripes while Saruhiko was a blackish blueish Maine coon cat and slightly bigger than Misaki. Apparently most people either only wanted one or had other cats at home which did not go over well since Saruhiko was very protective over the tiny Misaki.

 But eventually, it got more crowded and the kittens woke up. They decided it would be best to leave. Walking back the way they came Gundham had told Kazuichi that he had to use the restroom. But Souda used this to his advantage. He quickly ran to the store from earlier and picked out the outfit with its accessories and left. RUnning back to the spot Gundham had left him in he saw Tanaka leaving the restroom. Kazuichi started to wave his hand signaling that he was right where he left him and they continued to walk. Only later did he see the bag questioning what was in it. Kazuichi claimed he saw a shirt he liked and bought it. Was he really in there that long Gundham questioned? He shrugged it off as they made their way back to Kazuichi's house. After they made it there Kazuichi thanked Tanaka for the date and they said their goodbyes. Kazuichi closed the door. Sighing. When he turned around to his mom.

" Who's that?" his mom questioned him. Until it clicked in her head. "Heyy is that your boyfriend," she said teasingly "The guy you never stop talking about. Gundham was it. Hey you're bringing him to the wedding right"


" I want to meet the boy who my son fell so deeply in love with"

" Whatever you say, mom"

" But I do wonder how he deals with your bullshit."

" You take that back, I am not that hard to deal with. Besides he hasn't left me yet so take that" It was a joke between me and my mom. Her relationships never ended well. Except for this one of course.

"Well you win but if I don't see him at the wedding you are grounded."

"Yeah yeah sure."


yoooo this took about 3 hours of sitting focused at a desk 

I'm tired >:>

also, we are number 4 in Gudhamtanaka 

couldn't have done this without you guys. GROUP HUGSSSS

ok PEACEout Girly and Guyly scouts

1069 words lol 

byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee >:)

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