hErE iS sOmE mUSic Y'aLl

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Gundam showed up at the school to see his boyfriend shaking. Was he really that cold he was practically covered head to toe. Was all Gundham could think until. Kazuchi came running up to him. Hugging him tightly. Gundam thought that he was simply cold but Kazuichi was both cold and needed a hug. Morning Gundy was all he said while hanging on to his beloved. Gundam also said good morning to his mortal but asked if he was cold with a concerned face. Kazuichi simply shook his head no finally releasing Gundham from the surprise attack known as a hug. They sat down at the bench.


My beloved was freezing to the touch. I had my jacket and my scarf but my dark devas were sleeping. I simply moved them from the pockets of my jacket into my scarf laying the jacket over Souda's shoulders. He looked up at me. Our eyes met followed by silence. Not the bad kind but rather comfortable silence. With the wind blowing and the leaves falling and the belling ringing. WAIT. the BELL RINGING. WE have to go NOW. Scared of being late I impulsively grabbed Souda's hand and ran. Ran as fast as I could going upstairs and through crowds of teens and turning hallways. They could see the classroom. Room 77B. It was right there. I reached out for the door. But sadly we didn't make it. Scared of what Miss Yuizome might do we opened the door.

To put it simply (haha simp) There was some yelling and some detention slips. The rest of the day when swimmingly. They sat together at lunch talking to each other's friends And the class was relatively quiet too. It was nice. Until. RINGGGGGGGG. OOh, man was Kazuichi scared. Since the school rules state that you don't actually have to go to class, kids usually didn't go to detention for being late. Meaning that there were gonna be "bad" kids. And like said before KAzuichi didn't have the best childhood. HE was bullied and betrayed by many. Causing Fear and trust issues. It took an entire semester for Souda to completely trust Hajime and Fuyuhiko. But this isn't about them. Just before they entered the room Kauichi clung to Gundham.


"I uh are sure we have to go in there, Gundy?" I was so scared. I am literally shaking right now.

"Yes, I am sure if we don't go now we will get more later for not showing up." He was serious. "Why My dark king." Those words were like music to my ears. But I was still shaking.

"I um I" LE SIGH " I'm scared. They look really mean."

"Don't worry not a single mortal will touch you. But if you are that concerned you can sit with me." what happened next I didn't expect. HE got really close to my ear and said "Or on me"

I was blushing like crazy. I quickly pulled my beanie over as much of my face as it would cover. " Hey don't hide your face i think its cute" FUCK. I um I. I. Gundham started to walk into the room me following after. Like a momma duck with her duckling. Not to my surprise, I saw taka. The SHSL Moral Compass. But he should really be the SHSL STRICK. We sat down. Gundham than me after. Taking His advice to sit on his lap. Taka was talking to Mondo the SHSL Biker Gang Leader. Mondo and I were friends. Kinda. I met him through Leon, my neighbor. Also Known as the SHSL Baseball Player. Taka turned around from his conversation to explain the rules to everyone when he noticed me and Gundham.

" excuse me, That is NOT permitted on school grounds," Taka said, furious. While others looked at us.

Gundham was quick to respond " If I can't sit with my boyfriend then you can flirt with yours." Taka was quiet. Everyone went back to sitting in silence. Until suddenly Taka just left. He left with Mondo of course but he just left. Those who didn't want to be there left while others looked at each other confused. When the time was finally up we got up to leave.

"Hey I have to go home to help my mom with wedding prep but we should go on a date tomorrow. Your choice this time." And with that, I left running to my house waving goodbye.

Hey, Peeps, I can't believe we have 50 views holy moly. 

If yall want smut just tell me I will right it eventually. 

Also, we when from #180 to #90 in Gundham so thanks everyone.

773 words. srry it took so long my mom took away my computer for a day.

Hope you enjoy it. peace out girly and Guyly scouts.

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