Chapter 1: You

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Jimin, a notoriously hard-worker, was slaving away at his desk in the living room. Trying to figure out ways to rid them of the unwelcomed red string.
Taehyung, in their kitchen, with their string extending just enough for them to be in different rooms. He was focused on making tea, stirring each cup and making sure they have the right proportions. He makes his way into the main room, cautiously carrying a cup in each hand, maneuvering past their small wooden floor table and the dull orange loveseat.
Taehyung hands the navy blue teacup in his left hand to Jimin, who took notice of the taller one.

"Thanks." Jimin mumbled.

"No problem." Taehyung replied.

The two were connected spiritually more than other people, not many words needed to be said in order to complete conversations.
Taehyung looked at Jimin expectantly. Jimin, not paying much attention to Taehyung's expression, took a sip of his tea. Taehyung did too, in fact, they were almost in sync. Taehyung who calmly took the deep red cup away from his lips, glanced over at Jimin who was still concerning over the string. He was brainstorming ideas on a lined piece of notepad paper.
Taehyung was annoyed, to say the least, that Jimin was spending his time on work or slaving over the string. So Taehyung carefully reaches over to the piece of paper Jimin is writing on and crumples it quickly.

"Tae! What was that for?!" Jimin exclaimed. Taehyung started to laugh and shines a boxy smile at the distressed boy, "You psychopath! That was important!"

Taehyung drops his mug to wrap both his arms around Jimin's chest.

"What are you-?" Jimin starts.

He takes Jimin's small frame and flips him over his own body, resulting in a very pissed off Jimin lying on his back. Both mugs were shattered in the process. Taehyung clambers on top of Jimin, and nuzzles himself in his hair.

"Stop worrying about the stupid string once in a while," Taehyung says warmly, "Have fun with me! It's the weekend!"

The pink haired boy hesitantly wraps his small hands around Taehyung's waist, "You idiot, now I have to clean up this mess. I can't believe I live with you." Jimin giggles.
Jimin stands up, pushing Taehyung off him. He grumbles as he spots the spilled tea and broken mugs. The taller apologises profusely. Jimin trudges to the kitchen to retrieve an old dustpan and some cleaning supplies.

"So what did you have in mind for today?" The smaller smiles and takes notice of the taller, who is still kneeling on the floor. Tae's face lights up when Jimin makes eye contact.

"What if we called up the group? We could all go to the park together!" Taehyung exclaims. The pink haired boy agrees and asks Taehyung to do that while he cleans up from the calamity.

One hour elapses, and Jimin has changed into a tangerine turtleneck and black skinny jeans, and Taehyung into a white t-shirt with beige cargo shorts. They pile into Tae's car, and Jimin always reminds Taehyung to put on a seatbelt, which he usually forgets. Tae turns the keys and starts driving to the nearby park.

The shorter of the two rolls down his window, flowy earrings dangling and making small tingling sounds.
The brown haired male had a billion things to say to the pink haired one, but not knowing when, or how, or if to say anything. So Jimin just sighs and spectates the intriguing ads on trucks or billboards.
Jimin always seemed to be worried, frustrated, or even a combination of the two. Taehyung wondered if in general Jimin was enjoying himself. Ever since the formation of the red string, Jimin had been plagued with the idea of discarding it. The taller one hoped it wasn't because Jimin disliked him, but that wasn't unlikely. He couldn't blame him, the red string connected them in almost every way.
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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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