Two Tri's

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Two Tri's

Dedicated to 2amazayn4school

I'm obsessed with rugby Niall right now.

In which Y/N tracks mud in the house after a very intense rugby game, and Niall isn't very happy with her.

"If you're home, you don't need to lock the fucking door" I muttered slipping my key into the lock and turning it until I heard a click, indicating I'd unlocked the front door.

I sighed and pushed open the door and throwing my bag into the house. It hit the floor with a 'thwack' and I stepped in. Groaning as my legs worked the short distance. I hadn't bothered to change after my rugby game, because I was muddy, and it was raining, and it would've been a struggle to get my uniform off. So I'd just worn my muddy uniform, socks and cleats home ready to jump straight into the shower and get rid off all the mud and the shame of loosing the game.

"Y/N is that you?" Niall asked as I kicked off my cleats,

"Yeah" I muttered picking up my bag. I walked towards the stairs,

"What the fuck is this?" He screeched.

"I'll clean it up later" I said waving him off,

"You'll clean up this mud right now" he ordered. I turned around, seeing the muddy footprints at the door and the splotches of mud here and there and trailing up to where I was standing.

If the mud was replaced with blood, I would look like a murder scene.

"I'll clean it up later when it's dry" I said,

"You'll do it now" he said firmly.

"No" I snapped,

"What did you just say?" He asked coming towards me.

"I said no. Nada, zip, zilch. N-O. It means I will not to do it right now" I said turning towards the stairs again, I began to ascend the stairs.

I managed the make it to the bathroom suite I Niall and my shared room before he came barging in.

"Ever heard of knocking?" I asked sitting on the floor and started undoing my knee brace. Like Niall, I had horrible knees. He opted to get surgery to fix them, I did not. I didn't want to risk not being able to play rugby again.

"Did you win?" He asked,

"No" I spat trying to pull off my knee brace. Niall knelt down in front of me and pulled off my sock and then my knee brace.

"By how much?" He asked pulling off my other sock,

"Two tri's" I murmured.

"That's not bad" he said helping me up,

"We still lost" I said as he lifted up my shirt.

"Hands up" he said, I winced as I obliged,

"As long as you played your hardest, that's what matters" he said as he threw my shirt on the ground.

"Coach said the same thing" I said,

"Look at you, you're all bruised and muddy" he murmured helping me out of my shorts.

"I think there's some blood on my hip" I said looking down, he pulled off my spandex shorts I wore under my rugby shorts and chuckled.

"So there is" he said,
"I'm sure you played fantastic, if you didn't, well, you wouldn't be covered in mud" he chuckled.

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