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I have been looking for this one for soooo long.

So imma go right ahead and dedicate this to myself.

She twiddles her thumbs around the cold cup, tracing away the little droplets of water that formed. It was Valentine's Day and she was alone at the bar.


Where the hell was her husband?

She lets out a sigh and the bartender looks at her sympathetically, handing her another drink and telling her it was on the house.

He probably thought she got stood up.

She was beginning to think she had gotten stood up.

She downed the drink, twisting in her seat to stare at the happy strangers dancing to the rhythm the bass was producing. They were so happy and she was so alone. She let out a sigh.

"Hello love," An Irish accent sends a shiver down her spine and she turns to the voice, raising an eyebrow as he continues, "what's a pretty girl like you doing sitting alone at the bar?"

She shrugged, not in her usual chipper mood, "breathing."

He chuckles and flags the bartender down for a pint. "You're funny."

"I'm also married." She raised her hand to wiggle her ring in his face.

He shrugs and winks, "So am I." She glances down to his left hand, and sure enough a golden band encircles his ring finger perfectly. "But," He says, continuing, "that's no reason for you to be alone tonight."
She bit her lips, "And you're making it your goal to keep me company?"

"I don't see your husband around anywhere. Shame, really."

She raised an eyebrow - so many thoughts running through her head but she just really wanted to listen to the boy all night long. Every word, every laugh, every command, every...moan.

"What about your wife?" She asks him tentatively as she stares entranced at his tongue darting out and licking away trace drops of alcohol that missed his mouth.
He leaned in closer. She could feel his breath tickle her skin.

She could smell his cologne - something mild and spicy. His hands touched her bare shoulder and goose bumps arose, despite the heat. He pulled her closer and her breathing hitched just slightly, but noticeable enough for him to chuckle in her ear, "My wife would be very jealous if she saw me talking to girl twice as gorgeous as her."

She didn't know how she felt about that revelation.
But her body seemed to have a mind of its own as she involuntarily leaned in closer to him, welcoming his warmth - but she quickly pulled away from him, masking her flustered state. "Oh, aren't you just the smoothest."

He shrugs, leaning back and chugging the last of his drink. She admired him for downing it all so quickly. "I try. So what's your name, Love - or would you rather me call you Love for the rest of the night?"

"Hmmm, the rest of the night you say? What makes you think I won't leave right now?" She thought playing coy would be her safest choice.

He stared down at her twisting her ring around her finger, "I would just have to follow you then, wouldn't I?"

A small twitch in her lips and spark in her eye deceived her innocent demeanor, "That's borderline stalking, Stranger."

He takes her left hand, holding it up to himself, examining the ring. His eyes flickered to her own as she watched him curiously. "Tell me to stop, and I will." Their eyes lock on each other, neither of them able to pull away.

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