Hear My Heart

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Prologue: First Impressions

Here at Rosewood High, are different kinds of people...

"Hey girls!" Sandy greeted Sapphire and Scarlet cheerfuly as Sandy arrived in their school building.

"Hey Sand!" They replied back. And both gave Sandy a tight hug like they didn't see each other in years.

After the hugs and some fake compliments, Sandy said excitedly, "Sapphire, I scanned the latest issue of Featured Fashion magazine and your mom is on the cover... Again!"

"Well, of course! Besides, didn't you hear my mom is having a fashion walk and a ball after to publicly introduce her new designs?" Sapphire asked.

"Uhmm.. No. I didn't recieve any invitation..." Sandy said as she was obviously showing that she wasdoubting Sapphire and Scarlet.. Again.

Sapphire must have noticed Sapphire's change of mood and she answered Sandy and put her arm around Sandy's shoulder, "Oh! Well, that's because the invitations aren't made yet". Sapphire was nervous about her silly alibi and had even crossed her fingers to hope that Sandy would believe her.

"'Course. Well, I better find a dress then? See you guys later! Chemistry is my first period", Sandy said.

"Ouch. Major morning subject, it kills", Scarlet joked.

Sandy laughed a little and replied, "I know right? I'm so jealous of you two! Well bye guys. I have to go!" She said as she trailed off to the stairs leading to the upper floors and Sapphire and Scarlet was left there to only talk about her.

"Is Sandy even really invited?" Scarlet asked Sapphire.

"Not really. But she's so annoying!"

"Yeah... Uhmm... Okay."

Meanwhile? Some, are like this...

"Hey Lawrence, what are you doing?" Carter asked, partly because of curiosity, partly because of being bored and partly because... What he's seeing is pretty 'unusual'.

Lawrence then looked to Carter straight in the eye and said, "I'm observing a cricket". He said it very nonchalantly like it was the most usual thing a person could do at a time like this.

"Why?" Carter asked again. He was known for being curious, and though popular and a jock, he never really was the bad boy kind of person. He's also smart and fun to be with.

"I'm observing why they come out only at night. I want to know why...do you know why?", Lawrence said as he concentrated his eyes back to the cricket he was staring at a while ago.

"Uhm... Do I even have to know that?" Carter teasingly said. Lawrence on the other hand, is not necessarily what you would call the stereotypical 'emo' dudes, but he factually is quiet.

Lawrence just ignored Carter, knwoing that Carter didn't mean it in a bad way. Just then, another voice was heard.

"Wait. Hold on, is that for out research?" Travis asked.

"Yep. Yes it is. And I chose the cricket but I'm still not done with my research paper." Lawrence answered.

"Dude, you do know there is a thing called 'Google' don't you? You know, something that gives you already-done homework?" Carter smugly said again.

"But not everything the internet says is true. Some are just hoax and it's better to find things out by your self right?" Lawrence answered back.

"If your a scientist. Which your not, because your obviously still a student like us. I for one, knew by experience that teacher's doesn't even check our answers when it comes to passing reasearch papers." Carter said in between chuckling.

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