"Why do you get coffee so much? Aren't you supposed to be a broke college student like the rest of us?"

"It's called spending your money wisely," The silver-haired boy reminds as the concept was a thing, "if you're broke I'll pay."

"No, it's alright. I got paid last week and I'm still stable with my savings." Jun informs, sitting up properly as he caught the professor walking in. "haven't gone bankrupt, yet."

"Well, that's great to hear."

"This line is terribly long for no reason," Jun complains as they were standing outside the coffee shop, many new incoming individuals trying to flood their way in as the brunette assumed they were attempting to squeeze their way inside. "can't we just go to a different one?"

"The next shop is in the opposite direction of my class," Yanan tells, he stays put and waits patiently unlike Jun. "besides, I can wait. I'd rather stay then walk to a coffee shop that I'm not really interested in."

"You're so odd."


They had to wait about eight minutes until they could finally enter the simple coffee shop. Jun has never seen it so packed before to where it gave him a headache, besides, the drinks here were generic. He was sure it was like any other shop from a block down or in another city. "I'll get my regular," Jun tells to Yanan before they arrive at the register. Though he was going to pay for himself, he believed paying separately would take more time. The boy gives him a thumbs up, "why is everyone craving coffee today?"

"Good question," Yanan starts off, looking around the area. "finals week are months away and I'm pretty sure we aren't facing a decrease in coffee bean production."

"Please don't push!" One of the employees shout from the counter, obviously stressed that there was a maximum count of people within the shop. Not to mention, the numbers were growing higher, "I understand that we have a celebrity here, but please give him space!"

"A celebrity?" Yanan and Jun question in unison, turning their heads as they replicated two lost puppies. What would a celebrity be doing at a bland coffee shop like this? Especially when it was located on a college campus. Yanan turns to Jun, poking at the fazed boy, "did you know about the celebrity transfer student?"

"Nope, guess that makes the both of us," Jun raises his brows and lets out a huff as he was interested in the figure who made the shop go berserk. "maybe they tried to keep it on the down-low but fans still figured it out."


They finally had made their way to the register and Jun had stayed close to Yanan as he didn't want to get lost in the crowd of people. Behind them, diagonally on their right, the famous male occupied a seat while a couple of staff members crowded him. He wore shades although he was inside, book gripped gently in his hand as he enjoyed his tea. Sure, there were many snapping photos at him and though it was somewhat irritating, he tried to enjoy his first day away from China. "Kun gē, can you tell them to stop snapping pictures. It's agitating my eyes..." Minghao quietly requests, the older boy nodded his head and listened to his orders.

"Please stop snapping photos," Kun stands up and tries to push away the excited fans. Jun, who turns around to watch the commotion catches a glimpse of the male. "Minghao is not enjoying the flashes."

Jun's eyebrows angle down as he heard the name, "Minghao?" He repeats, the brunette was sure that he heard the name right. Yanan, who caught Jun spacing out was done ordering and snaps him out of his little world once again.

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