His chin rests gently on her head and his hands rub her arms in an attempt to warm her. “I think we can win” he murmurs after a long stretch of silence.

“Funny. I was just thinking the opposite. Don’t you think it’s funny the hole isn’t covered?”

“No. The Alcrests haven’t found it.”

Kiera eyes the wall suspiciously. It hard to believe the Alcrest’s know they’re traitors, but not how they escaped. I’m not buying it.

“Come on. No one will even think about us. We’ll walk in, appear to be just another face in the crowd. Well easily get into the house-it’s always open- and sneak around until we find the bodies, kill and leave. The Acrest won’t even know until they’re dying, and the Revokers won’t even have to go in. It will be easy-just you and me.”

Kiera shakes her head. “Words Chase. Words.” She doesn’t know what she can say that will make him realize it’s not going to be so simple. A headache’s forming around her eyes, a tightness in her temples that’s surly going to hinder her ability to fight.

“Don’t be so negative; it’s not going to help.”

“I’m not being negative,” she says sternly, turning her head to the side so she can glare at him, “I’m being realistic.”

His grin is playful, childish in a way. “Well, can we pretend this is fantasy for a moment, and that the good guys will win, bad guys lose and at the end we get to keep each other and have a very romantic and slightly sexy kiss?”

Kiera turns back to the wall slowly. She can’t find it in her to laugh, to smile. There’s a good chance neither she nor Chase will live through this. If Jordan and the Alcrest have it their way, they will be killed on sight.

Crevan’s approach is quiet, but both werewolves turn to her before she can speak. She’s impassive, seemingly uncaring that they had killed a few of her men last night. She holds up two long pieces of fabric, a dull brown. “Tie these around your necks; we need to know who we are fighting against.”

Kiera takes one, rubbing her thumb along the edge gently. It’s nothing special. She ties it quickly, wincing as her shoulders ache in protest as she raises her arms. The pain killers don’t seem to be working properly; the pain still echo’s in her bone, her muscles, her skin.

“Most of the wolves will be occupied, and I’m guessing the Alcrests too. It should be pretty easy to get in and out without getting seen, as long as you don’t do something stupid. The house might be getting watched, so be careful.”

“Were can we find…the bodies?” Chase asks awkwardly. Bodies. Such a strange way to describe people who may as well be dead for how alive they currently are.

“We have no idea.” Crevan admits bluntly.  “We’ve cheeked the rest of the land and came up empty handed. Last place is the house. I doubt it’s somewhere you’re allowed to go, so probably away from the main doors and windows; attic or basement, I’d guess.

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