On Trek to a New Dawn:

Start from the beginning

Before she could walk away Claude puts his hand on Byleth's shoulder, "Hang one, we need to hear what he has to say" Claude said.

Byleth doesn't say anything but she remains still.

"I wish to apologize. To all of you. I have led you down this dark path with me and caused so much suffering along the way..." Dimitri began, "I cannot tell you how sorry I am for my behavior. There is no apology I could offer that would be sufficient" he said softly.

"Hmph. So, this is how you intend to make up for my Father's death?" Felix asked sternly, it sounded callous but Byleth didn't think it was meant to be in a menacing way. Just sheer curiosity.

"Felix... I realize words alone are not enough to repent, but I fear they are all that I have" Dimitri said, "I know that no amount of regret can ever bring back the lives we have lost. I... I know that well" he said. "It's like patching up a tear with a different material. Things can never be as they were. The best I can hope for is to make things whole again" Dimitri said, "I wish to do the right thing for now on. That is why I have made a decision..." he said "I intend to take back the Kingdom Capital. I wish to save our people, those who I turned my back on for far too long". "To follow my heart and do the right thing... This is the way I can atone for my sins" Dimitri said "And the only way to do that is to side with the Empire and join the fight against the Church of Seiros and Dukedom" he added.

"What happens if the Emperor doesn't want to talk and join forces" Felix said.

"I do not know Felix" Dimitri said, "I will try to do what is in my power to make her see that we need to join forces and take down the common evil" he said.

"Hey, our plan was through means of conquering, you know if the whole talking thing doesn't work out" Claude shouted.

"Yes, Claude that is always an option as well" Dimitri said.

"Your Highness, I'm all for us not having to die fighting the Empire but... Can you really set aside your own personal feelings and work... no fight alongside the Emperor?" Sylvain called out.

Dimitri sighed, "I still hold hatred in my heart for her and for what the ones responsible for the tragedy... That, I will carry with me until death" he said and paused a moment "But... my life is my own. It belongs to no one else, and it is high time that I started living for what I believe in" he said. "I will no longer allow the voices of the dead to bind me. This is something that I must do... No something that I am choosing to do" Dimitri declared, "I will try to accomplish my aim, even if it means giving up revenge to do so" he said.

That was it, Byleth had heard enough she pulled her shoulder from Claude's grasp and continued walking away from Dimitri's sudden revelation.

Byleth had spent moons trying to coax Dimitri into even considering the idea, and now after so many men and women died for his blood thirst, he decides that maybe they could co- exist?

After he rejected the notion from Byleth countless times, telling her how he needed Edelgard's head. Rodrigue died for that goal... and now he decided that there could be another way.

Part of Byleth is thrilled that Dimitri has finally come around to this perspective but... After everything he has put them through.

It's just so aggravating.

Why couldn't he reach this conclusion sooner, before trusted friends and allies had to die.

Why Dimitri?



After Dimitri's speech in the town square, both armies departed from Derdriu and began heading to Riegan estate. Claude was taken by surprise by Dimitri's sudden deceleration that he wanted to spare Edelgard now.

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