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A LOOOOOOOONGGGG awaited chapter.  

Sorry guys~ *side note: My mother got covid-19 back in may and was hospitalized for the last two months, its been hard and were still doing some home treatments now that shes negative(one and a half months on a ventilator.(scariest time of my life) )  she has diminished muscle %, body fat %and diminished lung use.

 So these will take forever to upload because i am now busy with school, work, being a mom, and taking care of my mother. 

ps: We live in Arizona, USA. Please Dont be like Arizona, wear a mask, social distance and do your part. <3 (we did, but because of others my mother got sick, you wear the mask for others, not  you.)

 (Ps: no this is not a political based message, so dont take it as one.)


*Boes p.o.v*

Moms shock warmed my heart. I almost forgot how much mom has really missed. I was too busy focused on how much I missed her I forgot how little she know about what's gone on.

Usually Tye and his girlfriend don't come to these things. Tyes still getting used to his new skill and being a father.

"Kii-ea.. its an honor to meet you..again." She was so formal with mom, I was used to her giggling, she seemed nervous but it was flung out the door as moms arms flung open and pulled her into the hug she was sharing with tye.

Mom didn't cry but I could see her struggle.

"Lets give mom a second.." Frankie whispered. I nodded in agreement as Frankie drug Byron with us. Byrons eyes were everywhere but unlike mom, he really had never seen anyone outside the compound.

"They, they're like you guys.." He whispers pulling Frankie's tail a bit. Frankie's whole body stills and he snatched his tail from Byron who looks confused.

"Um, please don't do that." He whispers. I look to Byron who shares a look with me.


I walk Byron to Frankie and I's favorite part about this place. The only place anyone here goes anymore. The greenhouse. Mr. waterman took a crew down here and carved out waterfalls, slides, everything you could think of with the water.

Turns out the reptilians could swim very well.

"Oh my god." Byron gasped as we walked in. His face lit up and I smiled seeing my twin respond so well to the greenhouse. I know frankie was looking forward to showing him, but I was glad I could show Byron something like this.

I remember when Frankie and I first escaped and we saw the trees for the first time. Saw the sky, heard a bird caw. It was out of this world. Something I didn't think even existed. So I have an idea of what's going through his head right now.

"I know!!" Frankie screamed, making me smile more. The other kids around seemed happier when we arrived, a lot of the littler ones love to play with Frankie. Not so much me.

"Ankie!" a few toddler yell as they see him. He opens his arms and kneels down; all the little ones envelop him. He laughs as he falls over.

He really is great with kids. What I wouldn't give to have children with him. My body stiffens. Im 14.. why am I having these thoughts. About Frankie..

What the hell, I need to calm down.

"He'd make a great father some day..." Byron whispers. My eyes snap to his. Was he thinking the same things as me?

Guiding star: book 2 of beyond infinite series. * DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now