Engagements (Nodrian, Osby, Small Spoilers)

Start from the beginning

Nova blushed. Ruby laughed.

"If it feels right, then chances are, it is. Don't overthink it, but make sure you're ready. Don't self-sabotage. You and Adrian have something special, Nova. I don't want to tell you what to do, because that's a decision only you can make. But from what I see, you and Adrian are a true power-couple if I've ever seen one." Ruby said.

Nova and Ruby were silent for a few minutes.

"I think I am ready. Twenty may be young, but I know Adrian is the one. Thank you, Ruby." Nova said, hugging her.

"Maybe Adrian will give Oscar the kick he needs to propose to me. He better soon, or I'll propose to him." Ruby said. At that, Nova laughed.


This is the friendship content I need. So I made another one.


"Adrian!" Oscar exclaimed, bursting into his friend's apartment.

Adrian had proposed to Nova a week ago. That weekend, they had announced it to the rest of the team.

"What's going on?" Adrian asked, putting the book he was reading down.

"Is Nova home?" Oscar asked.

"No, she's having a game night with Evie and Leroy." Adrian replied.

"Good! Ruby's been acting weird lately." Oscar said, sitting across from Adrian on the recliner.

"How so?" Adrian asked.

"Well, I asked her to move in with me a few days ago, shortly after you and Nova announced your engagement."

"She said no?" Adrian asked, surprised.

"No, she said yes. But I think she's mad at me." Oscar said. "And I don't know why. I thought she wanted to live with me."

"That's really weird," Adrian said. "All the signs seem to be pointing that she does want to move in with you."

"So you see why I'm confused!" Oscar said.

"Well, Oscar, if you're really unsure, why not ask Ruby? She always tells you what's wrong if you ask."

"I don't want to ask, because it might make her madder. I asked Danna, too. She said I was being stupid and need to figure it out on my own. But I don't know how to figure things out!"

"Well, Oscar, I don't know how to help you. Yeah, she's acting strange, but I don't know why. Have you done anything that might make her mad lately?"

"Well, I ordered pizza on Friday and didn't invite her over. Maybe that's it."

"That's the only logical reason. Although it doesn't seem like Ruby to throw a fit over pizza."

"It wasn't even Ruby's favorite pizza. I just didn't feel like making dinner so I ordered a cheap pizza for myself." Oscar said.

"Nova once got mad at me for visiting the pet shelter by myself. What she doesn't know is that I'm going to get her a cat soon." Adrian said. "You better not tell anyone."

"Well, considering that the only Ruby has said to me in the past week are yes, good morning, no, and good night, I think you're good." Oscar sighed.

"I don't know, man. I still think you should ask her what's wrong. That way you can identify the mistake and make sure you don't make it again."

"You and Nova are engaged!" Oscar said.

"Yes, Oscar, that's quite obvious..."

"How do you two resolve fights?"

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