Chapter 3

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 We get into a very high-end car. 

"Your band must be doing well?" I say as the rich leather smell engulfs me.  

He laughs and I can't help staring, as it sounds like pure music to me.  

He looks at me and smiles "we travel around with the excuse we are performing.  It was to help us search for our mate and to see what the other werewolf packs were up to" he tells me. 

I raise my eyebrow a little and angle my head slightly in thought.  

"Are you from the palace? Royal guards perhaps?" I question

I hear the driver grind his teeth and glance towards him.  

"We will explain everything to you once you've rested" Reece assures me.  

"I don't need much rest" I tell him having gotten use to little sleep since Jackson took over. He just rubs my hand with his thumb and smiles at me.  We pull into the biggest hotel in town and Reece helps me from the car.  

"Ghetto, tell the others only my brother is to be allowed into the room?" Reece instructs and Ghetto bows his head and we walk through the lobby.  

I hear him sigh and look up at him but he is looking at the female that was waiting in the dressing room.  She stands and smiles sweetly at him.  I straighten my shoulders and spread my feet a little. 

 "Reecie, Nikki told me to wait for him" she lies again. 

"No, he didn't and you'd be wise to leave before he comes back, as he will probably tell you not so nicely to leave him alone and my name is Reece" he says strongly.  

I see her eyes flash with anger before she puts on a fake smile and goes to open her mouth to talk again.  I see Reece linking someone and he pulls my hand as he moves away from her.

"Don't you walk away from me?" the woman shrieks and then I turn to see her being hauled out of the lobby by another guard.

"We will call the police if you try and come in here again and you owe the hotel for the drinks you've had" I hear one of the guards say.  

Reece guides me into the elevator and presses the top floor button.  We ride in silence and he guides me from the elevator when it stops. 

"Food will be bought up shortly" he tells me and I nod not really feeling hungry at the moment.

He opens a door and lets me walk in a head of him.  The room is a suit and the sitting area looks welcoming. 

"Make yourself comfortable, I'm going to take a quick shower" he tells me as he walks to the bedroom or bathroom. 

I sit down on the sofa and thankfully its soft so isn't to bad on my butt.   I hear the shower running and the hum of the shower and the past couple of hours seem to catch up on me as I fight to keep my eyes open.  I loose the fight and slip into sleep. 

I dream of my parents and the last time I saw my father.  I cry as I miss them dearly.  I try not to think of mother after father died as I know it wasn't really her, just a shell that missed my father. 

The image changes to the first time Jackson beat me.  I had stopped him from hurting a pack member and he didn't like it.  I was chained to the cell wall and whipped.  I can still feel the sting of it as it slashes across my back. 

"Hey wake up its only a dream" I hear someone say close to me. 

My eyes spring open and I'm staring straight into Reece's clear blue eyes.  He brushes his fingers over my cheeks and I realise I've been crying. I duck my head down and wipe my cheeks. 

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