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12 Hours Later

The sound of gurgling filled my ears as I slowly started to wake up. Through the fuzzy vision I had, I noticed a table with a man on it. The table was covered in blood. I couldn't tell if some of it was his. He threw his head up and then quickly resting it back on the table. My head felt heavy as I struggled to keep my eyes open.

A new sound woke me up. The sound of a knife tearing flesh or something soft and squashy. I couldn't open my eyes. It was like my body wouldn't let me. I must have fallen back asleep because sudden yelling scared me awake. It felt like minutes were passing when I was in and out of consciousness.

My body tensed up when a familiar figure walk into my view with a knife in his hand with his voice met my ears.

"Darling, I need you to try to bleed less. I know the fairer sex often endure the same wounds with more suffering,"

he paused for a moment, raising the knife up, "But you really need to make an effort. "

My body frozen as he tore between the other poor man's legs with the knife. It only took a few seconds for the man on the table to die. While the other, this 'groom', slammed the body against the table in what seemed like anger.

"No. I'm so sorry, darling. Love isn't for everyone. "

My vision began to blacken. The last thing I saw before passing out was the groom pushing the body onto the floor.

"Hold still now, Darling. All these unsightly hairs. Oh! Silky smooth. Like a little girl again. Now the more delicate bits. "

I opened just in time to see another victim die at the groom's hands. This time, the knife started at his chest and was dragged down to the center of his legs. He begged and pleaded but it all fell of deaf ears. Sure enough, the cold, steel blade was pushed down.

The sound of a buzzsaw was what woke me up this time. I looked out and saw a man on the table, very close to the moving blade.

"You've given up. You're ugly and you've given up on love. You're not even worth stringing up. Bleed here and die. "

The man screamed as his head was pushed into the saw.

I felt my head on something different. I could tell I wasn't in the locker anymore. I tried moving but something kept me from doing so. Whatever it was, it was cold. I slowly opened my eyes. Light blinding me as did. I could feel someone over me. I widen my eyes to see him. He was cutting off my shirt. I started to panic. I noticed that metal cuffs were keeping me in place.

He looked down and saw that I was awake. A smile formed on his lips.

"You have amazing bone structure, such soft skin, " he said, lightly rubbing my exposed stomach, "You're going to be beautiful. "

I pulled against my restrains in a poor attempt at escape.

He walked around the side as he continued speaking.

"A women... Has to suffer some things. It's not pleasant, I know. But just try to... Endure. For my sake. For the sake of our children. " My heart felt like it was beating in my throat.

"It wouldn't take long. A few snipes of the flesh here and here, " he pointed to my chest and stomach with his hand, "Cut away everything... Vulgar."

I felt his hand on my thigh.

"A soft place to welcome my seed. To grow our family. "

My breathe quicken as I watched him grab a large knife from somewhere.

"The incision will hurt. And the conception. And birthing is never easy. I'll make the cut fast. Just closed your eyes and think of our children. "

I closed my eyes, only to not to see what was happening. I peeked an eye opened to see him being attacked by some random man. The attack caused the table to break. The cuffs broke as well, allowing me to free myself. I rolled onto the floor as I did. I rolled onto my back and sat up. The two men grappled with each other, grunting as they did. The man who attacked the groom was swung to the side before hitting the groom in the back of his head, bring him to his knee for a second before getting up and running after the man faster than I could blink.

Yelling as he did,


To my luck, there was a spare shirt on the floor. It was one for a asylum patients but it was better than running around in just a bra. I quickly slipped it on.

My Sweet Darling (Eddie Gluskin x reader) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora