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The smell of dust and mold filled your nose as you walk around the basement. You had found a flashlight, so you decided to use that instead of the camera. You were tired. You had just ran from a cannibalistic maniac with a buzzsaw trying to kill you.

You found yourself in a place were you would to squeeze through to get around. So, you did. As you did, you heard voices. You looked through a small creak through the small space. The voices were coming from the same person. You shrugged and continued. While squeaking through, you heard a quick, frighten voice.

"Quiet. If they catch us, they'll give to him. The man downstairs. Bad... Very, very bad. God... Oh God... " they said as they walked away.

The man downstairs?

You continued as more voices could be heard.


You soon found yourself running again. A medium sized hole shined a small light of escape. Quickly, you climbed, went through the hole and jumped down to the opposite side.

Panting, you turned to the wall as the one who was previously chasing began speaking to himself.

"There comes the bride. "

"There comes your bride, Mr. Gluskin. "

"W-We could give him other flesh and he spares ours. "

"Fucking idiot delivered her own self to Gluskin's hell. "

Each sentence said in a different voices. You stood up and dusted. You looked to your left.

A flight of stairs.

You began to walked, but stopped briefly. The cut in your leg from earlier was a bit bigger and in more pain.

You sighed and continued walked to and down the stairs.

This new area was much bigger than all the other areas you've been to. Taking in your surroundings, you noticed many different sewing machines on tables. But what really grabbed your attention was as you walked deeper into this large, dusty room was you could hear the sounds of fainted music. Where was source of the music was coming from, you couldn't tell.

Goose bumps made their presence on your skin as you slightly jumped, hearing a distanced scream.

Entering another small room, you gasped at the horror your eyes met.

A dead body. With breasts sewn on to it with a severed head sewn in between the legs of this body with a mannequin next to the table this horror, holding one of the body's hand.

Your stomach couldn't handle it. You hunched over, spilling out the content of your stomach. You stood up, wiping your mouth and continued.

You found yourself in another room. This one was a bit more crowed with different things you really couldn't make out. One thing you could make out was a double door.

You quickly walked toward. Pulling to the door, it won't opened. You looked to the knob and tried turning it.


You looked back door.

"Darling. "

My Sweet Darling (Eddie Gluskin x reader) Where stories live. Discover now