Chapter 4

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"Well well, we meet again" I heard

"Here we go again" I groaned

"Get lost you jerk" I said and trun around which is the stairs direction. I saw that same guy approaching Ashley

"O-oh didn't see you there, bye" he said and went back to his minions at the speed of light

"I was looking for you but you weren't anywhere in my sight" I said and sign Ashley to join us. She start walking toward us

"Yeah, well i was kind of lost" she said and i could hear a hint of nervous in her voice

"Don't be nervous, we're the same age" I said and bumped our shoulder together and she smiled

"Well, you don't look like a mean demon anymore" Axel joked and I glared at him

"Come here, you asshole" I said and approach him and put him a head lock

"Sorry sorry! I was just joking!" he said while having trouble breathing and tap on my arm rapidly

"Uh, y/n?" Alicia said

"I think you might not like this but-" she stop and point secretly towards the direction of the stairs.

And there, i saw the face that I'm glad to see but not glad to see at the same time. The face that has been making me question myself if i shouldn't have done it.

Everyone turned to look at the same direction as me

"Who are they?" Axel asked

"Really??! You don't know who they are??!!? No way!" Alicia said dumbfounded

"At least you know the popstar, right?" Emma asked

"No, I don't. I don't look much on the internet." he said smiling

"Do you know who they are?" Rachelle asked Ashley

"Of course, I'm like their number one fan! They are BLACKPINK and of course the pop queen Ariana Grande!" Ashley said nodding vigorously and look at the girls quickly and then turn back to us

"Let's go ask them for a picture!" Ashley said "NO! I mean no, that would destroy their only peaceful time for visiting Paris" I said

"True, but i'm so dying to get just a picture with them and look there are fans doing the same thing~"she said holding her phone

"Well, as a fan-" I said but stop mid phrase because I saw a man standing behind them holding a phone under Jennie's skirt and is taking photos of Jennie panties behind them while she take pics with the girls and a group of fans. I sigh and walk fowards, pushing through my friends

"WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!??" Alicia asked

"Beat asses!" I said and continue walking as fast as i could. I passed beside Blackpink and Ariana. I could feel them staring at me like I'm a missing child.

I went behind them and kicked the guy in the face and he fell down. And from there I could feel everyone staring at me especially the girls and friends were gasping

"What the fuck!" he said after groaning

"Yeah, what the fuck!" I said

"Imma call the police on you, you bitch!" he said.

'Well, well he has got the nerves'

"Well, go ahead and i could just say that it was a self defense because you were taking underskirt photo of the girl. Let's see, if you can do that. First of all, you have violate her photo rights. Second is sexual harassment, you perv" I said and put my feet on his chest

UNEXPECTED II​ // JENNIE X GIRLWhere stories live. Discover now