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"The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance." – Alan W. Watts.

Lucy's voice rang throughout the station, as she shot up from her seat. We shot her a look of confusion as she turned around to face us, with a distraught look on her face. 

"Quiet, Lu." Susan hissed at her sister, carefully eyeing the direction of the boy from before. 

"Something pinched me!" Lucy claimed pointing to the bench she was just sat on. I rose her eyebrows at Lucy before I felt a tug on my hair.

"Ow, that hurt, Ed!" I shouted at him jumping off my seat on my bag next to the boy in question, turning to face the confused boy. Edmund was about to reply, but Peter jumped out of his seat.

"Hey! Stop pulling!" Peter said blaming Edmund as well. Edmund turned to us confused as ever.

"I've not touched either of you." he said honestly. I didn't know whether to believe him or not, what else would it have been? 

"Can we all just- What is that?" Susan started to complain, before she too was tugged by a strange force, scaring her, she leapt up from her seat at the same time as Edmund. We all stared at the bench confused.

"It feels like magic!" Lucy suggested the four Pevensie's shared a knowing look. I looked towards them fear evident in my eyes from the new strange thing, I had no idea about. 

"Quick everyone hold hands!" Susan instructed turning towards the boys and I in a stern tone. I latched onto Edmund out of fright, as the train flew by us dangerously fast, the wind whipping my hair in front of my face. Edmund gripped my hand back tightly. He then turned to Peter.

"I'm not holding your hand!" he shouted at Peter over the whizzing of the train. Peter looked back at him, 

"Just do it!" Peter instructed his younger brother forcing him to hold his hand. As the train sped up I looked to Edmund.

"Ed, what's going on? I don't understand!" I shouted tears threatening to leave my eyes. I didn't let them though, I hated crying, especially in front of people, it makes me look weak, I also have a very ugly cry. Edmund looked back at me in concern. This was all new to me, he knew I was terrified.

"Bella, do you trust me?" he asked, his eyes burning through mine, using my nickname to calm me down slightly. I stopped and thought for a moment considering the question.

"With all my heart." I replied looking back at him, not faltering once.  He interlocked our fingers, in a soothing way.

"Then I promise you we will be fine." he said calmly, but loudly, so I could hear him over the ruckus. I nodded and relaxed my death grip a little, earning a small, grateful smile from Edmund, but I still stayed on edge. Papers and tiles flew off the wall and the roof started to collapse. I dug my head into Edmund's shoulder and squeezed my eyes shut, to avoid watching the scene in front of me unfold. 

Finally, I dared to look up and saw the train disappear into a blinding white light. The light faded and a beach was revealed, with crystal blue waters, and the softest sand I have ever seen. Our group unlocked our hands, except for Edmund and I, as we slowly walked into the light. 

The faint call of a seagull could be heard in the distance. What the hell just happened? Lucy stepped forward and spun towards Susan, giving her a playful smile that Susan returned, before running out towards the cool sea. Peter and Edmund both glanced at each other, before running after them, Edmund dragging me along behind him. Although, I was confused, I couldn't resist the urge to run into the sea with them, I couldn't remember the last time I was on a beach. We raced across the sand shouting gleefully with each other, ditching the more restricting parts of our uniforms, before running into the sea.

We all played tag and splashed each other playfully, soaking every person from head to toe. Lucy jumped and fell over the slight current, landing on her bum and I helped her up laughing, whilst kicking water at the other three. Our loud laughter broke the natural sounds of the waves lapping the gentle shores. I loved it, although I still hadn't figured out what happened at the station. 

In those few seconds of being deep in thought, a pair of strong arms wrapped around my waist and pulled me under the ocean waves, I let out a squeal, before inhaling the salty water. The attacker rose back to the surface with me still in their arms. I turned and saw Edmund grinning at me, mischief in his eyes. I glared lightly at him, before spitting the water in his face, forcing him to look at the cliffs away from me. He let out a light laugh, before stopping. His eyebrows furrowed together, and his nose crinkled in confusion.

"Ed!" Susan shouted trying to get his attention. "Ed?" Susan shouted questioningly at him again, whilst still splashing him. The three other Pevensies stopped their playing and looked over at him, noticing his confusion. 

"What is it?" Peter asked. Edmund whipped his head towards Peter, before looking back at the cliffs.

"Where do you suppose we are?" Edmund asked voicing his confusion. This scared me slightly, because I thought it was only me that was clueless, but now it gave the impression that no one knew and we were lost.

"Well where do you think?" Peter asked looking to the girls to see if they thought he was being serious. Edmund looked between his family, me and the cliffs.

"Well I don't remember any ruins in Narnia."

That's when it all clicked for me, I thought Narnia was only a story, yet here I was in this new world that I had been taught so much about, it blew my mind that somewhere like this existed. The other three Pevensies turned towards the white cliffs and saw just what Edmund was looking at. We slowly made our way out of the water and towards the new destroyed architecture, of the place they had come to know like the back of their hand.

(A/N Hope you enjoyed the chapter don't forget to vote xx)

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