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"There will always be a reason why you meet people. Either you need to change your life, or you're the one that'll change theirs." – Angel Flonis Harefa.

I was walking through the station on an early March morning, I had just got off the train from the countryside, because I was sent away while the war was going on, it's still on now, we've all just been sent back home to Finchley. I had my eyes trained on the ground, as I carried my books in my hands, my mother, who was ahead, had already taken my suitcase to the car.

"But everything important was back there," I heard someone ahead complain, I didn't bother to look at them though. "My sword, my golden chess set, even my horse Philip-oof!" I was sent sprawling to the floor, my books making a large racket, next to me a light groan was made. Both of our heads shot up, to see who barged into us. 

I was about to shout, until I saw the cutest boy I have ever seen on Earth. Seriously you just met him. I didn't know how long I had been staring until he coughed lightly and looked away. 

"Um- I, um I'm sorry I didn't mean to bump into I just wasn't watching where I was going. Are you hurt. Oh God please say you're not hurt, I'm so clumsy. This is really embarrassing. I'm so sor-"

"It's alight, I'm fine." the boy chuckled from the floor finding my rambling rather amusing, to my relief. I held out my hand, which he accepted and helped him up. "I'm Edmund Pevensie." he said shaking my hand.

"I'm Arabella Greene, again I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hit you." I scanned his face for injury, not over analysing just in case I creeped him out, but I couldn't help but get distracted in my search. His eyes were absolutely beautiful. They were the darkest brown I have ever seen. His hair was short and dark brown, nearly black and swept in front of his forehead, giving him a sort of roguish look. His skin was fair, but he had a slight pink to his cheeks. I quickly shook my head and tried to stop staring at the very attractive boy. Focus Arabella. He chuckled again.

"It's really fine, I wasn't really watching where I was going either." he admitted, as he picked up my things that had littered the ground of the station and gave them to me.

"You don't have to do that." I quickly tried to insist, but he had already picked up my books and handed them to me. He gave me a confused look. "My books, you didn't need to pick them up." I elaborated noticing his confused glance. Edmund blushed and looked down quickly, before looking up again. 

"Oh right, but I wanted to..." he admitted. It was my turn to blush now as I looked down and bit my bottom lip. I gazed back up at him and he looked down at me; our eyes burning into each other's, until a long over-exaggerated cough broke us out of it. 

We turned towards the noise and saw Edmund's other siblings staring at the exchange between their younger brother and I. Edmund cleared his throat and pointed out his siblings. "Oh, uh Arabella meet my brother Peter and my two sisters: Susan and Lucy. Guys this is Arabella." His siblings waved to the me and I shyly returned it.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." I said politely. Just as his siblings were about to respond. They were cut off by their mother running over to hug them all.

"Oh my gosh, you've all grown so much, stop it. I've missed you all terribly, it's been way too long. I want to hear all about it!" she exclaimed making her way through the siblings hugging them, like they would disappear. She quickly turned to Edmund and embraced him. I thought it was really sweet how openly close the family was. Finally, the woman stopped her hugs and looked at me. "Who is this Edmund?" she asked a new curiosity in her voice. 

"Mum, this is Arabella, I just met her today" the woman looked down at me, like she was assessing me. In those quiet few seconds I felt vey uncomfortable. My mother rushing over to see where I was, saved the day.

"Oh Arabella, there you are, who are they dear?" she asked, taking my hand.

"Mum, these are the Pevensies, I just met them today, they're really nice." I told her, gesturing to them. "Pevensies, this is my mum, Liz." I introduced. It was silent for a split second, until their mum spoke warmly again. 

"Well Arabella and Liz, you are welcome to join us for tea tonight." I was slightly taken back by the invite, but I still wanted to go. I looked up at my mum, and she smiled, shrugging, like she was saying 'why not'. I smiled back at the kind woman. 

"We would love to." I replied walking off with her. Edmund's mother quickly turned around and whispered to him, before leaving with me and my mother, I turned to look at Edmund, whose cheeks were ablaze, and his mouth gaping like a fish, must've been what his mother said. I looked at Susan, Lucy and Peter, who all looked like kind and welcoming people. I have a feeling we are all going to get on really well.

(A/N Hope you enjoyed the chapter don't forget to vote xx)

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