A Dripping Tap

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Shadows in the corners of the room, the aggressive sound of wind pushing against the house as though some horrendous entity was trying so hard to break in. The noise, the shadows, the fear and you, safe under the covers of your bed. No reason to move, no reason at all, except for the dripping tap.

It had been a mistake, you brushed your teeth quickly and as you turned off the light in the bathroom and made a quick dash to your bedroom to avoid the darkness creeping up behind you, you forgot to ensure the tap was properly tightened.

drip... drip... drip...

No way of sleeping with such a tedious sound, so infuriating the way you toss and turn to avoid such a noise to no avail. It's as though the tap is mocking you, each time a drop falls your anger increases. But your fear holds you back.

Fear of the shadows in your room
Fear of the darkness of the landing
Fear of the monstrous breeze outside

But still, you must brave the darkness and stop that atrocious noise. You timidly slide out of bed, the moment you stand up you know it's a mistake, the shadows come alive, wanting you to join them, drawing you closer.

You turn on the light, the shadows disappear. There's nothing there. There never was. But the next step is the landing. It's a straight walk from your bedroom to the bathroom but there is so much darkness, the darkness repels you. You cannot go through, you can see the tap illuminated by the small amount of light coming through your bathroom window. You can see your goal, your target, your purpose for fighting the shadows.

It can't keep dripping. It just can't. But the minute you step out of the light of your bedroom and into the darkness of the landing, you are exposing yourself to everything you fear. All that scares you. The darkness has it all, your eyes decieve you and you can't find the courage to just rush to the bathroom.


The tap keeps mocking. That is the final straw. You rush to the bathroom, you twist the tap. The dripping stops.

You want to laugh as you usually do whenever your imagination gets carried away. You want to stroll back to your room knowing how silly it was you were scared of nothing as you had been so many nights before when similar situations had occured. Such relief. A beautiful feeling.

You turn around, the shadows are there again but you aren't scared now. That is...until you turn off the light and see the shadows remain.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2020 ⏰

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