Coming out. (pt.1)

Start from the beginning

"Not much. Like 2 or 3?" Mitch smiles back.

"And you?" Scott asks.

"Just 1. I don't drink much. I have no control over myself when I'm drunk." Mitch chuckles.

"No control, huh?" Scott smirks.

"Nope. Definitely not." Mitch says.

"So... Can I get you a drink?" Scott offers.

"You want to get me a drink?" Mitch says softly.

"That's what I offered, yes." Scott says.

"Yeah. One drink is alright." Mitch nods.

Scott opens the door for Mitch and makes a gesture.

"Ladies first." Scott smiles.

"I'm not a lady." Mitch huffs.

"I saw you staring at me last time..." Scott starts.

"I was just amazed that you started talking to me. I mean, who notices me anyways?" Mitch says.

"Well, I do." Scott winks.

"I've heard you broke up with your boyfriend." Mitch says.

"Wow. That rumor spreads fast." Scott laughs.

"Is it a rumor?" Mitch asks.

"No. I broke up with him. He was too masculine and tried to boss me around. He's not for me." Scott tells.

"Oh... Are you a dominant one?" Mitch blushes.

"Yes. In a good way. I like to pamper my boyfriend. Take care of them." Scott says.

Mitch swallows and looks at Scott. Scott looks back at Mitch.

"Why?" Scott asks.

"I was just curious." Mitch says.

Scott smiles and shakes his head a little.

"I'll get you a drink. Stay here." Scott says as he walks to the kitchen.

Mitch waits for Scott and then sees Kirstin. She's dancing with Benjamin.

"Great, he's seeing his chance for sure." Mitch whispers.

"A mojito for the curious boy." Scott smiles as he hands the drink to Mitch.

"A mojito? How?" Mitch asks.

"You seem fancy." Scott shrugs.

"Beer was fine too, but thank you. I like to be seen as fancy." Mitch laughs and he takes a sip of his mojito.

Mitch coughs.

"Whoa! This tastes like you want to have me drunk within 10 minutes!" Mitch exclaims.

"Nah... You're just not used to it." Scott shrugs.

"Here. Taste it yourself." Mitch says.

Scott takes a sip.

"Not too bad if you ask me." Scott says.

Mitch gives Scott an eyeroll.

"Let's share. I am not going to drink it all." Mitch sighs.

"Sure. Umm... I think you've lost Kirstie to Benjamin." Scott chuckles.

"Nah, they're friends. Watch this." Mitch smiles.

Mitch waves at Kirstin and she immediately walks to him.

"Hi, cutie! Needed me?" Kirstin asks.

"Are you having fun, baby?" Mitch asks.

Trio ONESHOTS (Scott, Mitch, Kirstin)Where stories live. Discover now