Chapter 6

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It's me, the author 👀👀 I know I haven't updated in awhile, it's just I have school now and you know the teachers be giving students a shit load of homework. Anyways- you don't wanna hear my excuses so here we go, to the story—

I wake up to the throbbing pain. My eyebrows furrowed as I opened my eyes. "Is this a damn headache?" I asked myself. My hands went up to my forehead to massage it as I sat up from the bed.

I leaned on the back board of the bed as my eyes wandered around the room. "What happened last night?"

I didn't see any sign of anyone in the room
To my left I saw my belongings, phone, house keys, and wallet. Even with this pain I smile a bit, thankfully the guy from my foggy memory didn't rob me.

I reached over to get the painkillers out. Usually I have some in there just in case. Y'know, for occasions like these.

I popped the pill in my mouth, swallowing it without any water. My expression changed to disgust as I dramatically stick my tongue out. "Ew..."

It's only a matter of time till it kicks in, so in the mean time I'll just go downstairs. With a sigh I get up and slip my shoes on.



The elevator doors open and I step out. The morning light flooded the lobby from what I could see. It was empty, no one in sight. "Strange."

Walking up the the front desk I ring the little bell. On cue a lady walks out of the little office back there. "Good morning! How can I help you?" She asked, with a noticeable forced voice.

I smile and give a little wave. "Good morning. Um...have you seen a blonde around here? He's tall and muscular with red eyes?" I asked.

"No, I'm sorry. No blonde around here. Maybe from last night? I only got here like 3 hours ago..." she answered in a disappointing manner. I sighed, a little puzzled. "Did he leave last night?"

Just then my phone vibrated, a text notification. I jumped a little and got out my phone to check it. On the Lock Screen showed a string of text notifications from my friends. But the most recent one was from Uraraka.

Ocha: Izuku? Are you there? Please answer me!

The message sounded frantic. I turned to sit on a nearby couch in the lobby. "Thank you!" I said to the lady.

Me: Uraraka? Yes I'm here.

Ocha: Oh thank the stars you responded! I got so worried!

Me: I'm sorry.

Ocha: It's fine. At least I know you're safe. By the way, where are you? We couldn't find you at the club and we thought you took an Uber home. But when we drove by your house you weren't there.

Me: I'm at a hotel. From what I can remember I left with a guy, but he left me here.

Ocha: With a strange guy? Just like that? You better have all your things...

Me:I do actually, but it's not my fault! I was drunk and none of you guys cared to watch me

Ocha: Well I told Todoroki to watch you since all of us decided to drink

Me: Well he didn't do a very good job about it lol

Ocha: Yeah right...well speaking of Todoroki he's been worried about you all night. He even blamed himself, so I think I'll let him know you're ok

Me: ok thank you Uraraka. I'll text you once I get home.

And with that she left me on read. I sighed and ordered an Uber. About 5 minutes later a car pulled up in front of the hotel. From what I could see through the glass it matched the description on the app.

I got up from my seat, stretched and left.


Once I got back into my apartment I slumped on my couch in exhaustion. Even if I got 9 hours of sleep I still wouldn't be satisfied.

With a frown on my face I unlocked my phone to check my notifications. Several from Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, blah blah blah and a couple from the group chat last night.

It was just recently created last night in an attempt to find me. Damn...I feel so bad. All that trouble to see if I was ok.

I sighed, slouching down even more in the couch and finally decided to text Uraraka that I made it home ok.

Me: Hey Ochaco! I just want to say that I made it home ok.

Ocha: Oh that's good, I was getting a little worried.

Me: yeah sorry, I was just relaxing for a little. Y'know getting myself situated.

Ocha: oh it's fine, as long as you're safe.

Me: thanks, you're a great friend:)

Ocha: no problem Deku!

Ocha: this is random but do you want to go get some coffee  later on?

I thought for a moment. Well I just got I don't really want to drink anything right now. But maybe she just wants to talk. It would be rude of me to deny the offer after all the stress I put her through.

Me: yeah, I'll come. What time?

Ocha: oh! At 3:30? If that's fine with you?

I look at the time on my phone. "2:30" about an hour until then.

Me: yeah that's fine. See you then!

Ochoa: see you!

Ochoa is offline

"Looks like I have plans today" I chuckled to myself.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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