The day!

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"THAT is what you are wearing??" Kabir asked with confusion on his face, sitting on bed in Kunvar's bedroom.
Kunvar frowned at his best friend looking in the mirror again to check what is wrong with his pinstriped dark grey suit.

"What is it? You are supposed to wear something formal for these things right??" Kunvar asked.

"Yeah, if this is a wedding!! Dude we are just going to meet her and her family today. It's not your baraat or something. Wear something cool for God's sake!!" Kabir replied exasperated.

"What the hell is that??" Samar, Kunvar's brother, joined the conversation. "Why are you so dressed up?? Have we finalized everything?? Are you getting engaged or something? "

"Bhai! Don't mock me. Just tell me what to wear!!" Kunvar was getting restless. "To be frank I don't want to go. This is stupid. We could have met in a cafe or something and talked about stuff. This formal meeting is just weird. And what am I going to talk to her infront of 9-10 people?? This is pathetic!"

"Devar sa, Just relax." Kaveri, Samar's wife, said " These two are just giving you hard time. You are looking good. But it's just a LITTLE over the top!"

"A little??" Samar asked laughing at the situation.

Kaveri pursed her lips and mockingly glared at her husband. "Devar sa, you don't worry. I think we can find something appropriate. Don't worry." Kaveri said thoughtfully.

"I just want this day to be over Bhabhi!" Kunvar sighed putting his forehead on his sister in law's shoulder.

"We will see about that!" Kabir said with a devilish smirk on his face.

( At Mithila's 🏠)

"You haven't dressed yet!!!" Mithila's mother, Gauri panicked. "They will be here soon and you are still in kitchen in your house clothes. Seriously your Baba will kill us. Go and get ready. And where is Avani?? And where is Parth? Call Bhilai, ask him to check whether living room is clean or not. Oh my god! The balcony!" Gauri was all over the place. Pacing around in kitchen with skillet in one hand and waving around the other hand.

Mithila was frying Samosas. She looked at her mother and sighed. Switching off the gas she turned to her mother and said " Ma, relax. Everything is ready. Snacks are ready. Living room, balcony everything is cleaned. I have prepared sweets too. Water bottles are kept in fridge. And the water matka is also filled with water last night, just in case the guy's father doesn't like fridge water like Baba. Also Avani is on her way. She will come in exact 7 minutes, her words not mine! Bhai is in study, he had some buisness to settle. Just don't worry. Ok?" She turned to the stove to clean up things.

"BHILAI!!" Gauri called out to the house servant. "Please do me a favor and check the balcony, Mithila and Kunvar will sit there for private chat."

Mithila stiffened involuntarily. Why does this has to be this way. The family she never met is going to judge her on the basis of one day of her behaviour and is going to decide whether she is suitable for their family or not. Talk about slavery! Mithila closed her eyes to calm her nerves. She was terrified. This was the first time she was meeting the suitors. She knew this day would come. When she would have to present herself in front of few people like she is on sale in a meat market. God!! Why is everything so difficult.

"I am here!" Avani said cheerfully, carrying 2 big bags with her and smiling like a lunatic.
' Great, atleast someone is happy about this.' Mithila thought.

Avani dragged her best friend to her bedroom and started with the preparations.

"Are you nervous?" Avani asked.

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