Chapter 11: Waterbending Master Pt.2

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I opened my eyes and was introduced to a warmer and snug feeling than I had been used to. The room was dark, yet orange candles emitted spots in the room in which I was laying in. I rolled to my other side to see a old woman watching me from afar at where I laid.

"UGH!" I yipped out as I was confused as to what had been happening. As I jumped, a sharp pain came from my side, making me wince in pain to my action. I glanced to where the pain had been coming from and seen a wrapping of bandaging around my stomach.

"Careful, you can't be moving around too much," the elderly lady said as she walked over to the bed I was in. She took a look at my side and shook her head. What was going on?

"Had you been anywhere else in the world, you would've died," she spoke as she sat down in her chair, sipping from a cup of tea in hand.

"Wha...what do you mean?"

"Some waterbenders have an ability to heal, like you're girlfriend Katara, she picked it up quite well," she happily said with a grin. I closed my eyes and shook my head.

"Uh, she's not my girlfriend," I plainly responded.

"Sure seems like it, would not leave your side," she said with a laughter.

" healed the wound completely?" I questioned moving on to another subject, other than Katara.

"Not completely. You will still suffer from the trauma it caused to your body, but we healed the internal and external wounds."

I sighed at the predicament I had been in. What are the chances I get mugged, get booed at, all within hours of arriving. I was starting to think this place was my deathbed. I then scanned the room, looking for the Lightsaber that I had gotten mugged for. I had at least hope I got it back.

"Do they get my lightsaber?"

"They did. They found the man who mugged you and is currently being placed on death row; going against the people's wishes," she told me.

"Here," she held out my lightsaber and grabbed it, giving her a nod of appreciation.

"Why do you people hate the Jedi?"

"Hm, a eager one you are, yet a wise one at that," she replied. Her posture straightened in her chair and she placed her tea on the side table.

"Not to long ago, these lightsaber wielders invaded the our home. They were insisting that they were installing a better world. In part of that, they demanded all of the waterbending children to train at the Fire Nation to make them into peacekeepers of the world,"

"Obviously we denied them of this and they launched an attack on our people, killing dozens of people. Finally, our leader had been forced to give in. Many children had been taken, yet we were able to hide most of the children. The losses of that day had never been forgotten," she explained to me. It made a lot more sense now.

"Jedi would never do that. Those actions were a Sith's doings, not a Jedi's doings. The Jedi Order fell 5 years ago, since then...Sith have been roaming the lands, holding people at their own will," I had protested to the elder. She has sat their deciding whether or not she wanted to believe me.

"If what you say is true, Jedi, I am sorry on behalf of our tribe for our outlandish aggression towards Jedi, but I alone won't be able to convince the entire Tribe, even then, if you went to explain the situation, people still might not believe you,"

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