Chapter 9: The Northern Air Temple

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"So travelers, the next time you think you hear a strange, large bird talking take a closer look. It might not be a giant parrot, but a flying man. A member of a secret group of air walkers who laugh at gravity and laugh at those bound to the earth by it," the story teller finished with a round of applause. Aang smiled as he turned glanced towards us. Something sparked.

"Aren't air bending stories the best?" He asked the three of us enthusiastically.

"I've heard some pretty cool Jedi stories back at the temple," I commented only to be ignored by the three. Ok then.

"Was it realistic? Is that how it was back then?" Katara asked.

"I laugh at gravity all the time! Hah hah, gravity!" Aang laughed as he proved his point. Our attention was drawn to Sokka as the storyteller stood in front of him, his hat held out.

"Jingle jingle!" the man called out. Sokka frantically searched his pockets and held out his hands, only to reveal a bug and some crumbs.

"Sorry..." Sokka apologized shamefully. The man grumbled as he turned away.

"Cheapskates," he mumbled. I crossed my arms as I glared at Sokka.

"Why was there a bug in there?" I asked Sokka in disgust.

"Um, midnight snack?" He said questioning his own thought process. Weird.

"Story telling shouldn't be something you should pay for anyways," I huffed in annoyance.

"Be nice Jean," Katara scolded. I've heard plenty of cooler stories anyways.

Aang stood up and walked over to the man with a smile.

"Hey, thanks for the story," he said as he neared. The man simply held out his hat towards him.

"Tell it to the cap, boy," he stated as he shook his hat a little, making a coin fall out.

As Aang began to search his person for a coin Momo jumped off of his shoulder and picked up the coin, dropping it back into the man's hat. The elderly man saw the lemur's actions and smiled as he pat his head.

"Aw, much obliged little bat-thing," he thanked. I stared at Momo. I guess he did kinda look like a bat from a certain angle, and if it was really dark.

"It means a lot to hear air bender stories. It must've been a hundred years ago your great-grandpa met them," Aang said as Momo hopped back onto his shoulder. The man looked at Aang incredulously.

"What are you prattling about child? My great-grand pappy saw the air walkers last week!" The man insisted, pointing at the very old man behind him who waved at us. I raised an eyebrow at the man. I wasn't sure that I trusted this guy to tell left from right, let alone when and where he saw air benders. But, just glancing at Aang's face I could tell what he was thinking and honestly I was curious too. He turned towards us with a big smile.

We saddled up that night and headed out to find the Northern Air Temple, even against Sokka's wishes. The cold air started to take a heavier toll as we started to head further north, making the rides on Appa rather miserable. Luckily, Sokka allowed me to borrow a pair of a winter shirts and pants. As per usual, I sported my poncho, though it has taken a beating over the course of the past week. But besides, every person should have a trusty good-ole poncho.

"We're almost to the Northern Air Temple. This is where they had the championships for Sky Bison Polo," Aang informed us all.

I began to ponder whether or not there actually might be air benders here, despite everyone saying the Fire Nation wiped them out. I mean what are the chances of them still being alive? I made me begin to think whether or not if there was any Jedi left besides me. What would I do if I met one? Would I try and begin to rebuild the Jedi Order? Or would I accept the past and live the life I already live? The weird thing about me and Aang is...we both have had to dealt with the extinction of our entire people, or entire culture. I don't think this made me and Aang closer or not, but it was kinda weird. Like we were destined to meet. Avatar and Jedi...just like the legends say.

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