"Okay, fine. We're stalling the hunters, but Damon is still dying," Elena complained and Mallory sighed in frustration.

"It was one bullet that was only laced. Damon still has time. And if I have to, I will go to New Orleans myself to beg Klaus for his blood," Mallory assured her, only to have their conversation be cut short when Jeremy walked in.

"Then it's settled. You're going to your graduation," Jeremy told Elena, holding her cap and gown in his hands.

Seeing the cap and gown in Jeremy's hands, Mallory's face paled. She cursed under her breath, wanting nothing more than to skip it but she knew if she did, Caroline would kill her.

She sighed, rolling her eyes before she walked away to get ready for graduation.


    On the football field of the high school, Mallory was pacing, her phone pressed against her ear as she left her fifth voicemail to Klaus in the last hour. "Klaus, this is not the time to suddenly decide you're over me. I'm gonna call you every ten minutes until you finally decide to pick up the phone. I know you're a thousand years old but when my name pops up on your phone, you're supposed to pick it up. Get your ass here to save Damon's life. You owe me, remember?"

Mallory aggressively hung up the phone and turned to Caroline and Bonnie, who was giving her a weird look. "What?"

"Where is everyone?" Caroline complained and Mallory turned to see Matt walking over.

"I'm here," Matt told them and Mallory tensed up since she didn't have the best friendship with neither Bonnie nor Matt.

"Where have you been?" Caroline asked worriedly as she whipped herself around to face him.

"Oh, you know, making plans for the summer, dodging death by vampire hunters," Matt answered sarcastically and Mallory gave him a weird look.

"Where's Elena?" Bonnie asked in a concerned tone as she looked around, "We can't do this without her."

"I'm here," Elena suddenly spoke up as she arrived with Stefan, wasting no time hugging Bonnie, "Thank you for today."

"I can't believe it. We're actually all here. We are all here together!" Caroline exclaimed excitedly, "Bonnie Bennett, are you crying?"

"It's our last hurrah before you guys go off to college," Bonnie admitted, causing Mallory to turn to give her a weird look. Why did she not include herself?

"Before we go off to college," Caroline corrected her as she lightly slapped her on the arm.

"I...kinda sorta missed the deadline. You know, being an emotionless bitch," Elena admitted in an awkward tone and Mallory smiled in amusement.

"Well, the perks of being a vampire-we can go wherever we wanna go. We can choose our own roommates. We could-we could get a quadruple room!" Caroline proposed, causing Mallory to give her a weird look.

"Do those even exist?" She asked Caroline quietly as she leaned closer to her.

Caroline turned to her, smiling happily. "We're vampires. We can make it exist," She replied, wrapping her arm around Mallory.

"I'm happy we're all here," Bonnie confessed, tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

"Aww! Group hug!" Caroline exclaimed excitedly and Mallory playfully rolled her eyes.

"Uh, I don't...I don't hug," Stefan complained, earning a loud scoff from Mallory.

"Get over yourself. If I hug, you hug," Mallory replied, yanking Stefan into the hug.

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