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"It's hot." That was the first sentence that escaped [Name]'s lips as she and Sasuke stepped out of his cool, air conditioned private jet, and into the searing heat of the islands. Sasuke smirked, and put a hand on her back as he urged her to continue making her way down the stairs, heat sweltering over the both of them.

"Welcome to Samoa, babe." At the foot of the steel stairs they were greeted by two young, female flight attendants and a middle aged man with a bottle brush mustache, all of them sun-kissed and in uniform.

"Talofa lava, Mr and Mrs Uchiha," said the formally dressed attendants in sync, smiling brightly at the young couple. "Welcome to Samoa, we hope you enjoy your stay." They both bowed before heading off the fetch their luggage from the jet, leaving [Name] and Sasuke with the well-fed looking captain, who wore a necklace of what appeared to be red wood strung together on matching red fiber strings, and what at first glance looked like a black skirt.

"Talofa, talofa!" chirped the man, reaching out, grasping both of Sasuke's hands in his own, and shaking them vigorously. He did the same for [Name], and swooped his arm around their surroundings. "Welcome, welcome! If you'll follow me, I'll take you to your car, which will take you to your resort, and you two are free as to what you wish to do. Is there anything I can assist you with until then?" [Name] struggled for a moment, with her English skills not up to par, but Sasuke shook his head on her behalf anyway.

"Ah, young love," he cooed, turning on his heel and waving at them to follow. "Come along! Oh, and may I add- if you two are into fast food, then I'm afraid our whole country only has one McDonald's in it. Heh." Without any further queries or comments, [Name] and Sasuke quietly followed the loud man through the stuffy and packed terminal all the way to the foyer at the front, which was alive and busy with people all laughing and hanging around, trying to get through the heat.

"Woah..." breathed [Name]. Never had she been so far away from home; yet, here, she felt as if she belonged. After following their guide down a flight of stairs and going through the thick of the crowds, [Name] and Sasuke stood at the front of the airport building, where a sleek black Toyota Hilux was parked, empty save for their luggage at the back underneath the cover. A woman whom [Name] recognised as one of the flight attendants came from behind and held out the keys with a gracious smile.

"Enjoy your stay." With a final bow and something that sounded like a goodbye in Samoan, the man and attendant left [Name] and Sasuke to be. The Uchiha male grinned and swung the keys around.

"You up for a tour?" His eyes gleamed with mischief, and [Name] groaned.

"Sasuke, I can barely understand these people," she whined as he walked around and got into the driver's seat.

"Come on, it won't be that bad," he called out. [Name] ignored the stares of some people who were whispering under their breath to each other, mostly little kids or pre-teens. She flushed even more than before, analysing all of their tanned faces before getting into the car with Sasuke.

"Now what?" she huffed, crossing her arms after shutting her door. Sasuke grinned, and turned on the ignition.

"I think we should stop by the markets before we head off. What do you think?"


Plenty of time and money spent later, [Name] and Sasuke were finally unpacking their bags and newly done shopping in the comfort of their resort room. Because of the resort's air conditioning, it felt like pure bliss to [Name] as soon as she stepped into their room, and she instantly never wanted to leave.

"Can we just stay here for the rest of our holiday?" she complained, stumbling forward and landing face first on their soft, white quilt covered bed. The room was decorated in a blend of Pacific and western culture, with a Samoan siapo on the wall above the head of the bed, and elegant island flower paintings adorning spots on the rest of the white walled room. Sasuke chuckled and closed the bedroom door behind him, carrying all their purchases.

"No, silly. Here, try on your thingy." He pulled out a two piece [f/c] traditional garment from one of his many plastic bags and threw it at [Name], who groaned loudly as it landed on the back of her bare calves. "What did that lady say it was? A puletasi?"

"I don't care, I don't want to get up." Sasuke frowned, and strode forward to [Name]'s side. Putting the shopping bags on the bed, he reached out and pinched the backs of her thighs, making her yelp and sit up in surprise.

"Sasuke!" she squealed, slapping the laughing Uchiha away as she turned around. "Not funny!"

"Come on, [Name]," he pleaded. "Look, dinner's at six- why don't you shower and put this on, eh? Look, I'll even wear the matching shirt!" [Name] groaned and grabbed the [f/c] garments from her side, mumbling under her breath.

"It'll be fun." [Name] sighed and rose to her feet, looking out the window that spanned half of their room. It had a great view of the sea, that was one thing. Sasuke glanced at his watch; it was already five thirty. He had high hopes for tonight; dinner would wrap up at around ten or eleven, depending on the entertainment provided. After that, Sasuke had [Name] all to himself for the rest of the night. He had grand plans for her tonight, and even if she didn't know it, he would once and for all make her his.

Sasuke threw himself backwards onto the bed, sighing and smiling with his eyes closed as he heard [Name] start the shower in the adjoining en suite. Everything had already been planned out; he was ready, and with a little good luck, [Name] would be ready as well.

"I can't wait til I get you on the floor, good lookin'..." Transcending from high pitched Justin Timberlake into mere humming, Sasuke laughed to himself and threw his arms behind his head, beaming like an idiot. He was already anticipating tonight, and he looked forward to the moment when he would make [Name] his own.

"I can't wait to make you mine," he sighed wistfully, inappropriate images of his young bride making their way through his mind.

Let's just say that it was a crazy night.

A crazy night full of hair-pulling, loud cries, and the complete obliteration of what innocence [Name] had left.

A/N: If there are any terms you're unsure of in this chapter, feel free to ask bc I'm too lazy to do a glossary~

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