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"[Name]! [Name], wait, please!" Sasuke chased [Name] as she stormed her way out of the grand ballroom, making her way down a winding flight of velvet stairs that would lead her to the foyer of the building the ballroom was situated in. With a dark, black storm cloud hovering over her head filled with lightning, she made it to the front door when Sasuke finally caught up to her, grabbing her wrist. She instantly spun around, nostrils flaring as she regarded him with a furious look in her eye. Sasuke mentally began cursing himself for the hours of arduous training he had put [Name] under in their first three weeks together- he had hoped to break her down into oblivion, but instead, he'd built up a warrior, faster and fitter than ever. It was times like these that he hated the fact that it was his own doing that made [Name] as agile as she was.

"What?!" she spat, eyeing out her husband-to-be. Sasuke grimaced, and let go of her wrist.

"I just... um..." He awkwardly scratched his head; he actually had no idea why he had come out after [Name] in the first place.

Damn it, I should've just let her run away! he mentally cursed, sweatdropping as he quickly thought of something to tell [Name]. She crossed her arms and sniffled, eyes glistening with tears of rage as she turned away from him. While wondering why she hadn't already run off, Sasuke realised that she was, in fact, waiting for a reply from him.

"I wanted to check on you," he said bluntly, trying to put on the most uncaring and emotionless face he could muster. To his surprise, [Name] let out a hearty laugh, which made him raise an eyebrow in curiosity.

"Sure you did," she said venomously, sarcastically smiling at the Uchiha. He was taken aback, and suddenly felt himself flushing.

"I did!" he retorted hotly, glaring at [Name]. "You're my- my fiancee! Aren't I allowed to be worried about you?!"

"As if!" snapped [Name], returning his glare. "You only give a fuck that I ruined your stupid engagement party!"

"Our engagement party."

"Our engagement party!" [Name] corrected herself, turning her back on him. Sasuke growled and pinched the bridge of his nose, seething through his teeth.

"I don't get why you're so angry at me, it was Hidan who pissed you off," he said calmly, closing his eyes as he tried to keep his temper. "In case you weren't listening, I was on your side."

[Name] sighed and slapped her palms to her face. She had to admit, he had a point; she shouldn't be angry at him. At least, not for the events that had just occurred. Otherwise, she had every right to be mad at him, from the way he tortured her and threatened her family, right up to the forced marriage.

"Right. Sorry, sorry..." she mumbled, rubbing her eyes with the bottom of her palms. "I just... yeah. I'm sorry I ruined everything."

Sasuke smirked.

"Ruined everything? [Name], you just gave everyone a night to remember!" he scoffed, wrapping his arms around her waist from the back. She jumped at his touch, and looked at him from the side of her eyes.

"Right, watch where you put your hands," she said warningly, making the Uchiha step back with his hands in the air. [Name] rolled her eyes, turning to face him with her arms still crossed.

"Welcome to the Uchiha family, [Name]," chuckled Sasuke, shaking his head as images of Hidan's battered face came to mind. "There's no way anyone's going to deny your worthiness now." [Name] smiled, and punched him in the arm.

"I still don't want a tattoo," she said. "Now, um, do we go back in, or, like...?"

Sasuke shrugged, analysing [Name]'s slim yet toned figure. Her dress was out of place, pulled slightly to the left, her hair was messed up and flyaway, and her feet were bare. She looked like a total teenage queen train wreck, but he wasn't about to tell her that.

"Maybe, you know, fix your dress?" he suggested, motioning for [Name] to pull her dress up. She looked down and shrieked when she saw that the top half of her strapless bra could be seen, instantly yanking her dress upwards.

"Shit! Okay, my hair's- well, my hair, and I've got no shoes, aaaaaaand... are you sure it's a good idea for me to go back in?"

Sasuke smiled, and held out a hand to her. [Name] grimaced, but took it nonetheless, and the two began making their way back up the staircase to their engagement party.

"I can just tell it's going to be an adventure, being married to you," joked Sasuke as he led [Name] upstairs. She snorted.

"You don't mind if I sneak out every night, do you?" she said cheekily, nudging him with her elbow.

"Very funny, [Name]," he said sarcastically. She smiled at him, and just like so many times before, Sasuke felt a flutter in his stomach. He felt enlightened as he soaked in her image in his mind, eyes thirsty to take in every single little aspect and detail that made [Name] who she was.

What am I...? He quickly shook all thoughts out of his mind, and before his mind could wander off to anywhere else, he cleared his throat.

"I still don't like you, you know," he sneered, scowling at [Name]. She returned it ten fold.

"I never liked you, so I guess we're even." He felt his heart drop, but he couldn't explain why. He'd always known that [Name] loathed him, but... It was as if he were secretly hoping for something more, something... different.


He pushed the thought out of his head.


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