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"Um... what exactly do we have to do?" [Name] and Sasuke sat in the Uchiha's vast living room as Shisui and Itachi entered, the bearers of news from Mikoto. Just as Shisui opened his mouth to speak, Itachi thumped him over the head and held up a piece of paper, beginning to read from it.

"Itachi, I don't trust Shisui to get this delivered because he's about as useless as hot chocolate on a hot day, so I want you to do it. Today, I want [Name] and Sasuke to go out on a proper date. They're an engaged couple, and have yet to spend a day together. I want them to get to know each other, to learn more about each other's likes and dislikes, to see each other as human beings, for once. Sasuke, stop being such a tsundere for the love of God! It's obvious you like [Name]- why else would you have gotten this far in your engagement? The Sasuke I know would of disposed of such a girl at once. Oh, Itachi, can you make sure only Sasuke hears about the tsundere bit? Ooops, sorry mother. Ahem. And [Name], please, you don't know how much of an impact you've made upon my son. Even Shisui seems a little subdued, or maybe that's just me. Anyway, today, you two are to go on a date and find out about each other. I'll test you two tonight- if you fail, you're both in deep shit."

"The last part was your doing, wasn't it?" accused Sasuke, pointing at his older brother. Itachi folded the piece of paper into a plane and threw it at Sasuke, where it struck him right in the center of his forehead.

"Nope. Have fun on your date, you two."


"Where are we going?" Sasuke chewed on his tongue as he and [Name] drove away from the Uchiha residence, obviously both lost as to what they were supposed to do. Well, [Name] was, anyway. Sasuke had stopped resisting his feelings and had just let them out, planning a suitable date for him and [Name]. Judging by her personality, she didn't seem the type to be in crowds, and she obviously loved food.

"Why don't we go for a picnic?" he suggested lightly. "We could go buy some food and then go to a park or something. We can talk better then, too." [Name] raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

"Why are you so positive about following your mother's words for once?" Little by little, Sasuke felt himself feeling giddier and giddier the longer he was around [Name]; it was so unusual, it was out of character for him. He had managed to suppress his feelings for weeks, but now, he wasn't so sure if he could keep lying to himself. He shook the thoughts out of his head: No. I'm only doing this because I don't want mother to punish me. Fuck off.

"Um, do you want to see what her punishment is?" he snapped, glaring at [Name]. She scowled and poked her tongue at him, crossing her arms over her abdomen as she slouched back in her chair.

"Getting married to you is punishment enough!" she retorted. Sasuke's grip on the steering wheel tightened as he tried to not burst out and say that he loved [Name] with every fiber of his body. Thankfully, the urge passed, and the two remained silent as they went on.

"Let's go grab some food first, yeah?" asked Sasuke in a lighter tone, trying to make up for his earlier outburst. [Name] sighed, and scratched her head, pondering on whether she should speak or not.

"Listen, Sasuke..." His heart leapt, and his mind vividly played out how the rest of the scene would go. She would declare her undying love for him, and he, caught up in a maelstrom of emotion, would leap out and grab her by the shoulders, smothering her with a sweet, passionate kiss as he pushed her against the door, wanting to feel her, to dominate her-

"... we don't like each other, but it's worth a try, right? Uh... are you okay?" To [Name], Sasuke looked like he'd seen a ghost as he stared out the window with his mouth agape, his focus completely taken off the road. "Oi! Sasuke! Hello? I'm saying we should give this a tr- ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING?!"

"I am, I am!" he said hurriedly, quickly pulling into the carpark of the nearest supermarket. "Okay, get out and grab some food! Let's go!"


"What made you change your mind about dating me, huh?" Sasuke and [Name] sat under an oak tree of the nearest park they could find, their food laid out on a mat as they finished eating the last of the fruits they'd bought, laughing like they were old friends.

"Well, I've been disowned and have nowhere else to go, so trying to get along with you can't hurt, right?" she chuckled, taking a bite out of her peach. "Besides, I'm pretty sure Mikoto won't let us get a divorce. Might as well stick with you. Besides, you're pretty good-looking. Who wouldn't want those genes passed down to their kids?"

Instinctively, Sasuke felt the urge to lash out at her and say something along the lines of "you're butt ugly, and I cringe at the thought of us being seen in public together" but he forced the thoughts away. No. He would be honest today. To himself, and to [Name].

"I think you're gorgeous," he choked out, making [Name]'s eyes widen in surprise. Then, she burst into laughter.

"Now, now, Sasuke, no need to go overboard!" she chuckled, reaching out and playfully hitting him. "Baby steps, yeah?" Sasuke fervent shook his head, slapping her hand away. A lump was beginning to form in his throat, and he wanted to clear the air before his asshole ways resurfaced again.

"I-I think you're b-beautiful," he stuttered, making [Name] freeze. "I, um... I act-actually... l-like you..." [Name] was frozen in time as Sasuke's words crashed into her. Me? Beautiful? Gorgeous? Like?

"So, um, maybe it's just because we have to get m-married or s-something, but I l...like... you... Maybe I'm just kidding myself, or maybe it's because I'm scared of my mum and Kushina, but-"

He was cut off as [Name] threw herself forward and grabbed Sasuke's face in her hands, pressing her lips against his. It was swift and sweet, but it was enough for the two of them.

"I can't wait to marry you," whispered Sasuke as [Name] drew away from him, a faint blush across her cheeks.

"Tsundere bastard," she replied with a small laugh. Sasuke flushed, and scratched the back of his head.

"Does that mean... we're good...?" [Name] nodded at him, smiling.

"If you promise not to be an asshole of a husband," she snorted. Sasuke nodded, turning away to cover the blush on his own delicate features.


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