Woah now...

164 0 14

Corsica checked for comments...... and of course..... there was Sri Lanka, first as always. She laughed to herself.

"Woah now hun, slow down there. " ^^

She examined all of the questions carefully. She raised an eyebrow at the hyper girl.

1. What is your favorite color?

2. What do you think of France?

3. Do you like to ballroom dance?

4. Do you like perverted people? *wiggles eyebrows* (i was thinking of France when I wrote this. )


She laughed. "You are much like mon frére, non?" She smiled. "Well, for one, i like the color lavender," she thought. "......Pink is more of a Poland color if you ask moi....." She shook her head to clear her thoughts.

"I have not seen mon frére in a while," she said.... tearing up, turning away from the audience. "I miss him. He would sing me songs before we went to sleep. Even if we are twins, he was my father figure, too." She strained not to cry. She smiled lightly..... slightly emotional. "So yes, I love mon frére. I miss him a lot."

..... She smiled at the next question.

"Ballroom?" She laughed. "I've only ever done ballroom in a class, and America was my partner. ^^ He's not bad actually." She smiled fondly at the memory. "Yes, it is quite enjoyable. If anyone would like to dance, I'd love to try again loves." ^^

She rolled her eyes at her hyper friend. "No, I'm not like Francis for the last question. It's not lady-like in my opinion. ^^ But I have to admit it is good for a laugh sometimes. And Francis, I love him no matter how....... weird he is..." she started to mumble to herself. "Stupid twister bed.... and stopping and dropping....." she realized she was still being watched.

"Oh don't mind me!" She smiled innocently as possible. "I talk to myself sometimes. ^^ Anyways, love you hun! Merci for the question!" She blew a signature Francis kiss, along with a wink. ......And then gave off an innocent yet spooky hot pink aura.


"Ohohohon~" she then smiled sweetly and disappeared.....flippin magic. ^^

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