jealousy (requested)

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Taylor helped you lay back on the couch before laying your little girl on your chest.

Your daughter only came into the world a week ago and your body is still so sore. Taylor has been so attentive to you though. After all, you did all the hard work and she feels the least she can do is help you while you heal.

The background noise of the cartoon Carter had turned on only seemed to be upsetting your little girl who stirred and started to cry. "Carter? Can you turn that down, please Scarlet is already fussy enough." Taylor told the little boy who just glared at her.

He had been excited upon finding out he was gonna be a big sibling but this wasn't how he imagined it being and needless to say, he was unhappy and pretty envious of the baby that seemed to be getting way more attention than he did. Taylor had been his entire world and they had formed an unbreakable bond, just like he had with you since the day he was born. But now, he felt invisible.

And as Taylor looked down at the baby in your arms, Carter threw the toys he was playing with onto the floor. A loud noise echoed through the room and Scarlet started to wail. "Carter! Stop that. Turn down the tv and clean your toys up."

"No!" The six-year-old yelled back to Taylor.

Taylor, who was already stressed and tired between home life, adjusting to taking care of Carter and Scarlet, and still working here and there when she had the time, was not in the mood for Carter's mood.

"Do as I say."

"No!" He yelled louder and threw one of his toys across the room, knocking over a lamp that shattered, startling both you and Scarlet. He ran up to his room in tears. Taylor leaned over, kissing your head and then Scarlet's too before she ran upstairs.

Thankfully, Carter's door didn't have a lock on it. Taylor opened it and saw him sitting on his bed with his stuffed bear up to his chest. "Carter? We have to talk buddy." Carter turned his head away from Taylor and tried to do the same with his body, but Taylor gently laid her hand on his shoulder and squeezed it.

"What was that all about? Carter, you've never acted like that. In the three years I've been around I've never seen you misbehave." He shrugged his shoulders. "Look at me. Let's talk about this. Obviously something is bothering you, tell me what it is."

"Don't like Scarlet."

Taylor's heart dropped. "What? You were so excited to be a big brother though and when she was born and you got to come to visit her you were over the moon." Carter sighed and looked back at Taylor.

"Miss you." He mumbled, making it all fall into place for Taylor.

"Oh, I get it. Are you jealous of the baby?"

He shrugged his shoulders.

"I want to be with you and mommy, too."

Taylor sighed sadly. She knew she'd been paying more attention to Scarlet. But she was only seven days old, she needed that time. But Carter was so young, of course he wouldn't fully grasp why.

"Honey, listen to me. I know that your mom and I have been busy with Scarlet, but she's just a little baby. She needs us, she can't take care of herself yet. But that doesn't change the fact that you're still my little buddy."

Carter's eyes lit up. "Really?"

"Oh, yeah. Do you know just how much I love you? I love you so very much. You're smart and so helpful. When I'm sad, your little laugh cheers me up. I need you very much and just because Scarlet is here now doesn't change that. Nothing will ever change that."

Carter smiled a little.

"Hey. How about I read you a story tonight before bed or I can sing to you. One day soon, you and I will spend some time together. When your mom feels better and Scarlet is a little less fussy, we'll watch a movie together or I'll take you to the studio with me."

Carter gasped excitedly. "yeah!"

He threw his arms around Taylor. "My little buddy. I love you so much. I know that you're gonna be the best big brother. Now, I want you to go tell your mom that you're sorry."

He nodded and climbed off her lap, running down the stairs before appearing in front of you. Taylor made her way downstairs with his bear in her hand and what she saw melted her heart.

Carter was laying beside you on the couch, both of you in awe at the sleeping baby in your arms. Carter would kiss her head occasionally and tell her that he loved her.

Taylor came up behind you, laying her head on your shoulder and giving your cheek a few kisses. "I love you... and I love our little family."

You nodded, your heart so full of love for your three favorite people that you wondered if it would burst. "Me too. I love the three of you so much."

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