Fight Club

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Do y'all like the y/n thing to be in brackets or out of them like my last one?
Also I will try to stick to a weekly update after I post all the stock piled request I have. So 3 updates today and then it will be a weekly schedule.
Requested by: Hermione929

Jade West x Female Reader

'Where was she?' Jade's thoughts were solely on one person. The one person who didn't show up for class, someone who was dodging her texts. 'Where is my girlfriend?'

Jade picked up her phone and texted her again.

No response. She hasn't even opened any of her texts. That was it. After school she was going to her house to see what was up.

After school Jade strolled up to y/n's house. The roses in the garden are either blooming or decaying. Jade ran her fingers against a petal, "That's not good." She mumbled.

Y/n would never let her roses get to this state. She picked her roses mid bloom so she could put them in a vase.

Jade walked up to the door. She banged on it, demanding it be opened and to see her girlfriend.

Y/N's mother opened the door with a smile. "Hello Jade, what is with all the yelling?" She asked.

"Y/N wasn't at school today, why?" She asked in a demanding tone.

"She got hurt pretty bad at work and she has been sleeping it off all day, you can go see her if you'd like." Y/N's mom stepped to the side and gestured for her to come in. Her words didn't settle in Jade's brain.

Jade was still processing it when she walked inside and made her way to the room. Y/N's room. As she stood outside the door it hit her.

'She is hurt. She is hurt. She is hurt. She is hurt. She is'

It repeated itself inside Jade's mind and she was scared at what she would see when she opened the door, what kind of job did her girlfriend have that she hid from her that was dangerous? How bad was she hurt? All these questions and no answers. Jade was going to leave.

But, Y/N's mom put a hand on Jade's back and opened the door for her. She gently pushed Jade inside and pulled the door closed again.

Jade stood still. She could see your purple blanket rise up and down with your breathing. Jade took a deep breath and walked closer.

Her breath caught when she say your face, swollen and bruised, your knuckles were bloody. It looked like you were in a fight.

"Y/N." Jade shook you.

She wanted answers now. She wanted to know who put their hands on you, who thought it was okay to touch what was hers.

You didn't wake.

"Y/N you have 10 seconds to wake up and give me attention before I jump on you" she whispered in your ear.

"That's not necessary." You whispered back dragging out your words.

"What in the fuck happened to you? Your mother said it was from work? Where in the fuck do you work that they treat you like this?" Jade bombarded you with questions.

"Chill baby, Chill." You mumbled reaching out for her. You grabbed her waist and pulled her into bed with you.

"Let's cuddle right now I'm still tired." You mumbled into her hair.

Jade leaned into your embrace, but pulled back. "No cuddles until you tell me where you work, and who thinks they can treat my baby like this." She gestured to your state.

"Baby Girl I work at BBW remember? Big Break Workout? It's the boxer gym. Sometimes they do some underground fights, and last night I was challenged. So I fought and I won." Y/N pulled Jade on top of her and set Jade's head on her chest. "I'm sorry I didn't text you or wasn't at school, I was just tired and I fell asleep." Y/N ran her fingers through Jade's dark hair.

"You better be sorry." Jade mumbled.

You laughed at her.

Jade sat up glaring at you before she pecked you on the lips and whispered "Mine."

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