Chapter 25: More than a friend

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Tyler and I were on our way to Zayn's house when my phone's screen lit up showing my mom's name. I knew my mom would bombard me with questions if I told her I was going to Zayn's place but also I never hid anything from my mom so decided to pick it up finally.

"Hey mom"

"Hey honey, where have you been? I have been wanting to call you for days but I thought you might want some time alone."

"Don't worry mom, I am doing so much better now. Tyler is always with me." I said passing a smile to Tyler in the driving seat who was already blushing.

"That's nice. Tyler sounds like a nice guy. so much better than Zayn who keeps hurting you.

My smile was gone and my mom's remark reminded me of all the mean things Zayn said to me the other day.

"I am sorry I shouldn't have brought it up." my mom said sensing my silence.

Maybe now would be the good time

"No mom things are fine now. In fact Tyler and I are going to Zayn's to study together."

"What!" I could feel my mom's temper raising and also visualize her flaring nostrils from her voice. I knew she would freak out.

"You mean you are going to go and study with the guy who has broken your heart twice and never bothered to tell you the reason behind it."

oh no!

"Why Lia? Don't go back to Zayn. He has kept ruining your life since high school. Hurting you in every way he could." My mom continued.

"Mom please. I am not alone. There is Tyler and one more girl. I have to move on and I just can't hide from him. I don't want to show that I am weak mom!" I was on the verge of breaking into tears when Tyler held my hand, gently squeezing it while his eyes still on the road but his wonderful smile never leaving his face.

"Alright. I am just so worried. I don't want my baby to be hurt again." My mom said

"I wont make the same mistake mom. I love you"

"love you too." she said and disconnected the call.

Tyler's hand was still on mine and he held it gently until we parked outside Zayn's house. I knew it was still early to spend so much time with Zayn and moreover seeing him get close to some other girl but I knew if I backed off now, Zayn would win which is the last thing I wanted. standing in front of his house reminded me of the last time I walked away from him in Washington and he came running behind me begging me to stay. Would he still be mine if I had stayed? I couldn't help but wonder. even though Zayn has been a jerk to me, there is a part of my heart that longs for his love and the times we spent together before he decided to break my heart. however, today my feelings had to be under my control. there was no way I would let him win in making me feel bad about myself.

Judy opened the door as Tyler rang the doorbell.


"Hey you guys finally made it. we have been waiting for so long." Judy spoke.

"I thought we have to be here at 4." A confused Tyler asked.

"Oh actually, I was already missing Zayn so I thought I would come over and we could bake some cookies to eat while studying."

Tyler and I smiled non reluctantly when Zayn appeared from behind Judy wearing a kitchen apron and grabbed Judy by her waist. "oh you guys finally made it. we were just baking." Zayn spoke snuggling into Judy.

It almost killed me seeing him so close to her. they looked like the perfect couple and I couldn't help but be jealous.

"come on in!" Zayn said showing us the way inside his mansion.

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