Chapter 24: Trouble maker

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The next day, Tyler and I drove to college together in his car. Even though I had promised I won't be late and also get him starbucks if he let me drive alone, Tyler said he would pick me up knowing how messed up my sleep schedule has been for the past few days. Last night after my talk with Tyler, for the first time in a long time, I didnt sleep with swollen red eyes or crying in my pillow. I felt as if someone cared for me. Though I dont consider Tyler anything more than a friend, maybe sometimes a friend is all you need in hard times. I had decided, I wont ruin my friendship this time.

"I am still so sleepy." I said with my head against the car window, seeing tress sway with the cold wind. Translucent raindrops from earlier this morning were still on the windsheild and the sky was draped with grey blanket making the atmosphere gloomier.
"Can I please get into my pajamas and sleep. This weather is making me so lazy."

"And that is why we are gonna get starbucks. It will wake you up." Tyler said cheerfully with his million dollar smile plastered to his face.

"How are you so active this morning? Its like the weather is manipulating us to go back home and get in the quilt." I cried with my eyes still closed

"So you dont want coffee?" Tyler asked as he pulled over outside starbucks.

"NO! I cant ever say no to my caramel cloud macchiato with extra caramel and whipped cream." I sticked out my tongue, Basically giving the order of my favourite coffee to Tyler so that I can lay in the car and he could get for me.

Tyler laughed as he understood what I was trying to do and said, "okay princess Lia, i will get it for you."

Get off your lazy ass and go with him!

My subconsious snaps at me as Tyler got off the car but I ignore and close my eyes again.

When we reached college, still half an hour was left for our class so we made our way to the canteen to have a waffle breakfast. It feels like I haven't had proper breakfast in so long. Tyler was actually doing his best to help me overcome my heartbreak.

"Hey buddy!" A familiar voice called out marching his way towards us and I didnt have to raise my head to see who was it.

"Hi Zayn! Whats up."
I had already warned Zayn to not show his face to me but here he is with his stone cold eyes and ugliest face ever standing right infront of me. Why does he even talk to us?

He is talking to Tyler!
My subconscious snaps again but who doesnt want to be noticed? Especially by the guy who has your heart. Though he is a douchebag, its a fact of my life that he will always have a small part of my heart.

As tyler and Zayn talk about their Economics assignment and I stand near the counter awkwardly waiting for my waffle, I heard the tip-toeing of heels  behind us and once again I knew who was it without having to turn. The new villain in my life, Judy.

"Hi guys."
She wore leather pants and a slimfit blouse with the first two buttons undone. Her lips were colored in red and she wore nude pumps.

Who the hell wears red lipstick and high heels in college?
I literally cringed at her attire also being slightly jealous of her jaw-drop model-like figure.

"Oh hi judy! Where have you been?" Zayn asks showing little interest.

"I actually had some early morning makeup classes for late admission"

"Oh really? Whats your course" Tyler participates in the conversation too.

I though he is my friend. Why is he talking to that bitch?

"I have taken Economics major and History as minor."

"Oh that is same as mine and Zayn's. Infact even Lia has history as minor." said Tyler.

Falling too farOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant