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Ziva stood up and started packing. Aunt Nettie helped her. Orli arrived minutes later.

45 minutes later, the three of them reached a private airfield. And they help Ziva to carry her luggage on board. Adam and Odette were already on the plane. Ziva smiled at them.

"Todah Orli" Ziva kissed Orli's cheeks and started to board the plane.

"Shalom, Adam. Shalom, Odette" Ziva greeted them.

"Shalom Ziva" they replied.

"Orli called us to be your protection detail. She says she can't trust anyone else but us. 'Never be too careful' as I quote her" Adam told Ziva.

Ziva chose a seat and sat down. She thanked both Adam and Odette for coming along for such short notice. She then leaned back and rested her eyes. It's been a very eventful day.

The next time she opened her eyes, the plane was descending to DC airport. It was around noon. Ziva looked out of the window and saw the 'welcoming party'. Never know Gibbs 'see ya' included a whole building of NCIS agents. Her trained eyes can see there were also NCIS snipers on the rooftops, at the bushes, and probably all around the airport.

The plane parked. Adam and Odette carry Ziva's bags as Ziva walked in between them. Gibbs, Tony, and McGee are at the bottom of the stairs, waiting.

Adam passed Ziva's bags to Tony and McGee and shook their hands. "Take care of her, brothers" Adam told both of them.

They smiled gratefully and nodded their head.

Ziva was going to say hello to Gibbs but was pulled to a hug instead. Gibbs hugged her as though if he let go, she will dissolve. Ziva let him and basked in the feeling of safety and loved. What seems like minutes later, Gibbs finally breaks the silence.

"Welcome home, kid" Gibbs said while kissing her temple.

"So good to be home, Gibbs. Todah" Ziva replied.

Tony was already back next to Gibbs after putting the bags in the designated car. Gibbs then turned to Adam and Odette and thank them for bringing Ziva home safely. All Ziva could hear in the exchange of words is "thank Orli."

Next, Tony's turn to hug Ziva. His hugs are not as fatherly as Gibbs. Nonetheless, Ziva feels like he is her safety net. She feels so safe with these two men of NCIS. Ziva leaned into Tony's shoulder, enjoying his warmth. McGee was standing beside Tony, unsure what to do. Gibbs and Tony had filled him on the way here to the airport that Ziva is pregnant with Tony's child.

Gibbs, Adam, and Odette, probably a whole lot of others, were staring at both Tony and Ziva. It is clear this is not partners embrace, more like a married couple. However, both of them are too engrossed in each other's embrace. That was until Gibbs clear his throat.

"Let's move" Gibbs said

With that, Adam and Odette start boarding the plane to Israel. They denied the offer to stay for a meal.

Ziva David was home at last. Safe within NCIS presence. Ziva sat at the backseat with Tony in the journey from the airport to wherever they are going. She was leaning against his shoulder, and his arms snaked around her waist. She couldn't possibly feel more love at that moment.

Ziva David is home.

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