16 || Rescuing Harry

Start from the beginning

"Definitely dodgy," agreed George.

' "And you said he was banging his head against the wall?" Ash wrinkled her nose.

"That must mean he wasn't supposed to tell you...?" guessed George. "Can you think of anyone who wouldn't want you to go back to Hogwarts this year?"

"Malfoy," Ron, Harry and Ash said at once.

"He hates Harry," said Ron. "And Ash."

"And you, and Hermione," Ash argued. "He hates everyone that doesn't worship him. We can't be sure."

"I've heard Dad talking about the Malfoys," Fred said. "They were big supporters of You-Know-Who. Lucius Malfoy came back after he'd died saying that didn't mean any of it. Load of dung--Dad reckons he was right in You-Know-Who's inner circle."

Harry had heard rumors about the Malfoy's. Draco Malfoy made Dudley seem like a kind and considerate sibling.

"I don't know if Malfoy owns a house-elf..." Harry trailed off.

"They usually come with mansions and castles," said George. "The Malfoys are a wealthy old family, they probably have one."

"I'm glad we came to get you, anyway," said Ron. "I'd asked you to stay so many times and Errol, the family owl, had to carry Ash's and Hermione's letters to you as well. He's almost reached the end."

"I'm glad that you weren't ignoring us on purpose,' Ash said. "I would have throttled you on the train." Harry winced. He didn't doubt it.

"Can I drive?" she asked eagerly, leaning forward in between the front seats.

"You're underage, Ashy," said George, ruffling her hair. She swatted his hand away and flopped backwards grumpily.

"So are you," she grumbled. "And I told you not to call me Ashy."

"So here's Plan A," George instructed. "We go upstairs, quietly, and come down in the morning, saying, "Look who turned up in the night!" And Mum'll be all pleased and will never have to know we flew the car."

"Right," said Ron. "Come on, Harry--I sleep at the--at the top-"

A furious-looking Mrs. Weasley strode across the yard, scattering chickens.

"Ah," said Fred. "Time for Plan B."

"What's Plan B?" Harry questioned, but Ash shushed him and they stood nervously in front of the angry, red-haired woman.

"Where have you been!" Mrs. Weasley spat. "Beds empty--no note--"

"We went to go get Harry," said Fred.

"That car shouldn't even exist! And you-"

"Please, Mrs. Weasley," said Ash, in a very un-Ash like way. She turned her feet towards each other and looked down, hunching her shoulders. "Don't blame them. It was my idea. I've just--missed Harry so much and--and I was worried when he didn't answer his letters--and--and--it's all my fault, please don't get mad."

"Of course I don't blame you, dear," Mrs. Weasley said kindly. "I'm very glad you're here, Harry. Why don't you come inside for some breakfast?"

Harry looked at Ash in awe, who Fred and George high-fived as they walked back into the house, Ash back to herself again.

"Brilliant," said Harry, grinning. "This is where you live?"

"It's not much," said Ron.

"It's the best house I've ever seen."

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