Chapter Seven - Friendships are Formed

Beginne am Anfang

I head into the bathroom and turn on the shower. When I hop in, I immediately feel relaxed. I wash my hair with my coconut milk shampoo and then condition it using the matching conditioner. Hmmmm...I really love the smell of that shampoo. It just reminds me of...well, honestly - popcorn! I wash down my body with my lavender body wash and reluctantly hop out of the shower. I magically dry my hair and hair and wrap my body in my super fluffy dressing gown. I brush my teeth and then I walk back up to my room and get changed into my uniform. It's too early in the year for robes - so I just wear a long sleeved white shirt, my Gryffindor tie, a red and gold patterned skirt, white knee high socks and small heeled black shoes.

 It's too early in the year for robes - so I just wear a long sleeved white shirt, my Gryffindor tie, a red and gold patterned skirt, white knee high socks and small heeled black shoes

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(Just imagine her skirt to be red and gold)

Once I am fully dressed, I style my hair (magically of course!). Today, I decide to go for light curls in my dark red hair. When I was younger, I used to HATE my hair. It made me different. But now? Now, I really love it. Because it makes me different. It makes me stand out. Petunia's is a boring blonde - dyed of course. She would just hate to stand out - and I think that's one of the reasons that we don't get along anymore.

I grab my schoolbag and head out of my bedroom. I descend the stairs to the common room and see James there, fully dressed and ready to go. "Let's bounce!" he says, moving towards the door. I nod my head and follow him out. We laugh and joke with each other the whole way down. I tease him a bit about losing his glasses, and tell him how hilarious he looked standing in his ruined room. He teases me about being lazy, and I defend myself by saying 'No, I'm normal. I don't run at five a.m - I run at a regular time!' but laugh my head off nonetheless. We reach the Great Hall, and James instantly sprints to Sirius' side, and begins shovelling toast into his mouth. The boys are sitting away from the girls today, and it's a bit strange. I go and sit beside Mar, and ask, "Hey! Is there something up with the boys? Because I'm a little bit confused.". "No clue! They just said that the wanted to talk about guy stuff. Strange, I know. But it gives us time to plan for a Girls Night! We really need one!" here Marly pauses, and we all nod our heads in agreement, "How about we have it on Saturday night, back in Gryffindor Tower?". "Sounds fab!" I say, enthusiastically. I love Girls Night! For the last three years, almost every Saturday night we will have one, and basically what it entails is eating our weight in chocolate and sweets, gossiping and sometimes some pretty awful drunk karaoke. Yes, drunk! Just some butterbeer! Well, maybe a bottle or two of Firewhiskey! No need to judge! You would do the same thing!

We begin chatting away. Good, hopefully the thought of a Girls Night will make this week move a little faster. It's really strange, because I am enjoying myself, it just seems to be moving extremely slowly! Anyways, after finishing my cereal (Pixie Puffs - classic!), me and the girls get up and head to Transfiguration. The boys must have finished talking about their 'guy stuff', because they joined us on the way there. Most of our classes went pretty similar to yesterday. I did ok in Transfiguration - I managed to turn my bunny purple on my fourth attempt! We also got yet another Transfiguration essay! Geez, Professor McGonagall does not want us to relax! Herbology was ok - Professor Sprout didn't set us any homework, which was a relief. DADA was good, this new teacher is amazing! Ancient Runes was mediocre, another rune translation for homework. In Potions we just continued making our Polyjuice Potion, all while shooting pitiful glances at Frank Longbottom. We got set an essay on how to make Polyjuice Potion - a nice, long, 20 - inches! For fuck sake, Slughorn! I thought you liked me! In Charms we just continued on from what we were doing yesterday - the theory behind the disillusionment charm.

Wildest Dreams | A James and Lily Love Story ✅Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt