Chapter Fourteen

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This would be her first visit with the OB/GYN, he had been recommended by the emergency room doctor. She had no idea what to expect, but she was excited to find out the due date. Can was going with her, there was no way she could talk him out of it, even it she wanted to. He was nervous, twitching about in the waiting room as they waited to be called back. When it was their turn, Can bounded back to the room as if was the one seeing the doctor. All the nurses were quite amused at him, but some were quite taken by him, as is it always in with him. He is like a magnet for women, they always seem to come unhinged around him. Sanem was uncomfortable undressing fully for the doctor, and Can was sent out of the room for the exam, which made her more uncomfortable. Can didn't like it either, offering to stay back out of the way, if they would let him  stay. He was denied that request and ushered out and back to the waiting room. The exam proved to be the most embarrassing thing that had ever happened to her. She laid there with her eyes squeezed shut so tight she ended up with a headache. Sanem thought, " How will I ever get use to this, this is humiliating." She kept her eyes shut, wishing for it to be over.

Then there was more blood work, and another wait. Then finally they were called back to see the doctor. He had a very nice demeanor about him, very genuine and thoughtful. " Mrs. Divit, as far as I can see, things are very normal and you are  7 weeks along. The nausea and tiredness may be a problem for a time longer but should end in a few more weeks." He assured her. Please eat properly and get plenty of rest, that's key. It can prevent a multitude of problems further down the line." Mr. Divit, you probably have the most important job of all, and that's to keep your wife happy, no worrying or sadness." Can smiled and hugged her up to him. " Don't worry Doctor, she will be the happiest pregnant lady around." You can bet on it." The doctor asked if she had any questions, " Yes, my breast have been extremely sore the last few days, is that normal? She asked. " Yes, it is, just another symptom you have to endure, sorry." He said. " Now you may carry on with your sex life as normal, unless there is bleeding or discomfort, then call me immediately. Sanem blushed slightly looking at Can, but Can just had a smile from ear to ear. 

They doctor had calculated the due date as being on or about Nov.6th. Can was elated, it was close to his own birthday, what a present that would be. The doctor expressed that this was only a projection, that these tiny humans had a mind of their own at times. But the longer inside the mother the better for the baby. They were floating on a cloud as they drove to the office. They hadn't yet told their friends at work about the bundle of joy they had been blessed with, so now was the time to let everyone know. Sanem called her mom, giving her the news of the due date, and letting her know things were fine. Her mother was still anxious and wanted to come stay with them for a while. Can assured her he had it covered, for now anyway, but they would need her help later, he was sure. The news hit the office like a bomb, CeyCey nearly had a panic attack, running around the office yelling, " I'm going to be an uncle, I'm going to be an uncle, making everyone crazy. Deren was happy for them, she had become a friend to Sanem over the months and had grown to love her, and Can he held a special place in her heart that remain there forever. They all wished them well, and they couldn't wait for the sound of little feet running around the office. This had been another day that had surpassed their expectations, leaving them beaming with joy.

Can took care of a few things on his desk, Sanem looked over the new account they had acquired, a new line of sunglasses. They were very well done and the campaign looked like a winner. Deren was going over the text with her when Can walked in, " Sanem, you're not suppose to be working, the doctor said rest, remember." He scolded. She rolled her eyes,                 "  Can this isn't going to hurt me, I'm just sitting." She explained. " No stress, he said, so let's get ready to head home." He ordered. She knew this would be a long 7 months, " He's going to be worse than my mom." She feared. She eyed Deren, as they gathered her stuff to go. Deren got the hint and said, " Can, why don't we set a schedule for Sanem. Either a few hours a day, or a couple of days a week, that way I will be able to hold out her work for her." She explained. "There won't be anything strenuous or stressful, just a little paperwork." What do you say." She pleaded. Can gave in because, for one, he liked having her with him, and for two he could keep an eye one her. So the schedule was set, Sanem winked and mouthed a kiss to Deren as he lead her out of the office.

They had decided as they drove home, they she would work three days a to start, if it got to be to much, she would cut back. " Monday, Wednesday and Friday, no more than that." He said. When your home, I'm home, that way I can take care of you. " Can, that's not necessary, your dad and Mihriban are right here if anything happens and besides I'm not an invalid, just pregnant." She said defiantly. He took her hand and kissed it, "Sanem, I will do nothing but worry if I'm not with you, I just want to take care of you. He knew the look in her eyes when she was determined, and she had that look. " We'll try it for a little while and see how it goes, ok." If I don't like it then it's my way." He bellowed. She smiled leaning over and kissing his lips, which brought a smile to his face. " You're going to be hard to control, I can tell." He eyed her with concern. She smiled," Can I promise, I won't  do anything I'm not suppose to, ok."  

She was excited to get back to work, it had only been a few days, but she missed her friends and the excitement of the office. 

They were home early, so Can decided to take his run before dinner. There was a little chill in the air, so she grabbed her blanket and a book, curled up on the sofa to read. She couldn't keep her mind on her book, the thoughts of her life now had her giddy, " A baby," she rubbed her stomach, " Hi, little one, we are going to get along just fine aren't we, I can't wait to meet you." I love you so much already." She whispered. 

" And you're going to have the best daddy that any baby could have." She wrapped her arms around her waist, giving the baby a hug...........

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