Even Though We Just Reunited ೃ✧

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a sequel babes 😝❤️

Years..... centuries had passed, but you could still see everything. The ache of time had demolished what was previously your favorite science classroom and replaced it with a slew of mossy trees and shrubbery.

There was spiders, and centipedes, and flora you didn't recognize. Even the tree that grew beneath and around you looked foreign. Something you noticed, however, was the same type of butterfly would return to your perched stone body, and to keep sane you would pretend it was the same one.

Your own personal stone world companion. She would bring you wet, nectar covered kisses during bright warm days, and slept with you on stormy monsoon nights.

You didn't know much about insects, flowers, herbs, and plants were something you'd memorized from Senku's vigorous test prep nights, but you should've gone the extra mile back then and learned those with him instead of going to bed.

I should've stayed with Senku. You thought, your mind pulling you from reality. Senku... I wonder if he's alright.

Just then your butterfly buddy arrived, having brought his own trail of friends. Clouds had begun to cover the cracks of the hollow tree, meaning rain came unexpectedly for the butterflies. But the delish nectar from the fruit bushes outside would have to wait. These almost 8 inch wide winged creatures had to be treated delicately, so rain would just harm or kill them.

You wished you weren't stuck for the millionth time in what felt like millennia. To feel the soft flutters of smooth wings, and be tickled by the quick moving tongues of the butterflies as they lapped up the water off your body. If you could cry, you would probably feel your eyes well up as you pleaded to be free of this stone prison.

Just as what looked like the one that first started arriving here crawled across your face, you hear crackling surrounding you.

Could it be thunder already?

Then you felt shaking, your knees began wobbling and you begin to panic—

Wait—My knees are wobbling! You cried in your thoughts, starting to feel the rest of your limbs begin to break free in cracks and crumbles across your skin. You try forcing your body to begin working again, straining your muscles to start pushing against the mold of your legs and the ground. You struggled and struggled until you were free, taking in a deep inhale and collapsing to your hands and knees as you let out a deep cry of success.

"FINALLY!" You sob, hot tears dripping onto your thighs as you sat back on your heels. It was only then that you realized that you were completely naked. Well, save for a couple silver bracelets and your necklace. The beaded friendship bracelets you had, however, were goners.

"Holy shit, what happened to my clothes?" You shouted to no one in particular, seeing as you were alone. "And why did this charm bracelet stay?"

Ignoring that hole in logic, you examined yourself. The wood casing of the tree sheltered you from the chilling wind, but it didn't help your freshly freed skin from needing time to adapt to the new temperature of this stone world. Bare chested and sore from years of stiffness, you struggled to your feet; inspecting your skin for any damage but any old scars or blemishes on your body had seemed to disappear. The stretch marks you adorned along the underside of your right thigh and left cheek had evened out, nothing noticeably changed beside some new cracks that spread along your collarbones and created a spiderweb-like shape on your right shoulder.

It hurt to pick at, but there were crumbs of stone left, and you wanted to be rid of that nightmare encasing. Still though, you left it alone.

First things first, you had to find something to soothe your aching muscles. As you walked around the inside, you could hear the butterflies fluttering together and landing back on the stone pieces you previously had broken out of.

senku x reader ~ oneshots ♡.°୭̥حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن