"You're the last person I would expect to hear that from." Jason's words were cutting me like a knife. "I thought that out of everyone in the world, you'll understand why I did what I did."

I opened my mouth to speak but promptly shut it. I wanted to argue with Jason but all the words I had building up in my mind suddenly disappeared. I wanted to deny the fact that I didn't understand him but I did. I understand him more than I thought I would after hearing what he had to say. He was like me, he was willing to sacrifice anything as long as he could keep those around him happy. He found out his first love, Hailey was in love with his friend. So he left her despite being pregnant so that she could be with the one she loved. Aiden lost a friend so Jason decided to make his life easier by making Aiden hate him. And Rex? Rex fell in love with my sister so he pretended to be him and make me fall in love with him.

Jason turned and started heading down the porch when he realized I wasn't going to say anything. It was nearly midnight and heading back into the city would be a good two hour drive, maybe an hour and a half if he was speeding.

"Where are you going?" I called out to him.

"Taking a walk." He replied and waved his hand in the air. I wanted to join him if I could but I thought that maybe he wanted time on his own. I bit the bottom of my lips, the way we ended the conversation wasn't exactly how I planned but I found myself smiling. I knew Jason wasn't that kind of man everyone else thought him to be. And because of that, I found a huge weight lifting from my shoulders.

"Don't get eaten by the wolves." I called out. "I'll miss you!" He stopped in his track and turned his head to look at me.

I could only see the silhouette of his body in the dark, but his smile shined through.

"Glad to know I'll be missed." He replied and then he continued down the path.


I stopped myself multiple of times from contacting Hailey. I wanted to talk to her, wanted to know if she still had feelings for Aiden. But I couldn't bring myself to stick my nose into this matter any further. It was a problem the three of them had to sort out on their own. The weekend was over and it was the start of a new week. Aiden was still on his business trip somewhere across the world and I've barely heard from him. It was another busy day at the bakery and the day flew by usually fast. I decided to have dinner with my Dad that evening and Mia has been very understanding of me skipping out on dinner with her because of my family situation. Besides, Ellen was more than happy to invite Mia over because she had a babysitter for her two children.

I knocked on the door of my Dad's apartment door and soon he opened the door. My Dad looked happier than ever the moment I laid eyes on him. We quickly hugged and he quickly ushered me in.

"Hey Dad." I started and I heard noises coming from the kitchen. I arched my eyebrow at the noise, could it be...Mom? Is that why he was so happy?

"Oh come on!" A female voice screamed in the kitchen.

"Oh boy." My Dad gasped and quickly rushed into the kitchen. I kicked off my shoes and raced after him, I was hoping to see my Mom in the kitchen but I was still equally surprised when I saw Lily in the kitchen...or what's left of it. It was practically a warzone in here.

Lily is not a chef...she is far from a chef yet here she is trying to cook a meal. Smoke filled the kitchen and the smell of something burning brought tears to my eyes. My Dad quickly stood beside Lily and he as well isn't a chef either. He was like a mindless chicken walking around and panicking as to what needs to be done. Thankfully I cook enough food for him and have leftovers that all he needed to do was pop it into the microwave or else I knew he'll burn down the entire building. I eased myself into the kitchen and gently shoved them aside. I grabbed two rags off of the counter and turned the stove off before I grabbed the pot of unknown substances and ran it through the sink. I opened the windows as well to ventilate the smoke before something bad happens.

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