Lady Majestueux: "*sigh* flower, you were so tiny when you saw your father"

Marinette: "what are you talking about?"

Lady Majestueux: "I'm your mother, sweaty"

Marinette: "what no!? You can't just come into my dreams and tell me something like that"

Lady Majestueux: "this isn't a dream, you're in the room of a still memory"

Marinette: "a memory?"

Lady Majestueux: "yes and out of all of them, I'm glad you chose this one, the others were not as pleasant. This room is called the Generation of the Majestueux Portrait Room"

Lady Majestueux: "you've only been here once as a baby but yet your memory has done well on the details, considering you were just a baby"

Marinette: "this can't be real, your just a dream, you're not here, I'm not here, am I?"

Lady Majestueux: "well what do you think, a dream never acts like this, don't you think?"

Marinette looks sad.

Lady Majestueux: "look, you are a magical princess from our family line, you are my daughter, you were adopted by the Dupain Chains"

Marinette: "what happened to you? Why did you give me up?"

Lady Majestueux: "I had no choice, I had to keep you safe"

Marinette glared at her.

Lady Majestueux: "*sigh* 87 years ago, me and your father met, we fell in love and had you. Your umm father lived in a small and poor village when you were born, that's when...the village found out who my kind was and found out that your father has been seeing me. They chased us everywhere. Your father decided to comfort them and try to give them at least a change of heart but they Um k-killed him. He was murdered by those fools. Those monsters"

Lady Majestueux: "I ran and didn't stop, I didn't want to lose you, you were all I had left. So I ran far enough from them and then put you in a magic bubble I created for you"

Lady Majestueux: "it had the power to stop time so you can have a restart in a new life and in a new time. I ran off to a cave and I turned myself to stone. I guess because I was in stone and because you were in the bubble for so long, it caused slight amnesia"

Lady Majestueux: "then you were found"

Marinette: "if you were turned to stone, how do you know all the things that happened in my life?"

Lady Majestueux: "the same way I'm here. I follow your memories while I was in stone. I was still concourse in the stone, my mind was still playing but my body stayed the same"

Marinette: "this is all going so fast, how can I believe you?"

Lady Majestueux: "trust me, if we are in your mind then I know what you're going to do and all I'm going to say is, do it"

Just then there was a bright light.

Lady Majestueux: "goodbye, Marinette"

Marinette: "no, don't leave me!"

Chat Noir: "Marinette!"

Marinette woke up and saw a worried Chat standing next to her bed.

Marinette: "Chat? What happened?"

Chat sighed in relief and hugged her.

Chat Noir: "you looked like you were having a nightmare and that migraine you had traumatized me for life!"

Marinette: "sorry Chat, I'm sorry I worried you"

Alya and Nino came through the door.

Alya: "Is everything OK? we heard screaming"

Marinette: "yes Alya, we're OK"

Alya: "Marinette! You're awake! How are you feeling?"

Marinette: "I feel fine, just perfect"

Chat Noir: "Come on Princess, don't patronize me while we are worried"

Marinette: "sorry Chat, I just wanted to put you in a good mood, everyone looks really scared"

As Marinette looked at her bed sheets she remembered the dream.

Marinette: "I Umm have to go"

Chat Noir: "wait you can't leave, you just got hurt, what if it happens again and I can't be there"

Marinette: "Chat something tells me it won't happen again"

Marinette got out of bed and ran to the exit of the palace.

Marinette ran over to the bakery.

Marinette: "MUM, DAD!!!"

Sabine: "hun? Is everything alright?"

Marinette: "no mum, everything is not alright, how could you not tell me?"

Sabine: "I'm confused sweetie, tell you about what?"

Marinette's mum placed her hand on Marinette's shoulder while Marinette looked at the bakery floor.

Marinette: "mum, is it true, am I....adopted?"

Sabine: "what?! Marinette? How could you think that you're my daughter!"

Marinette: "am I mother? Or should I call you Sabine instead?"

Marinette's mother looked like she was hiding something.

Sabine: "*sigh* fine, Marinette, your right, I'm your adopted mother"

Marinette: "how could you not tell me?"

Sabine: "because if I did, then our family relationship would be gone, you the only daughter I've ever had and I didn't want to lose you"

Marinette: "so if you ain't my mother, then who is?"

Marinette already knew the answer but she wanted to hear it from Sabine.

Sabine: "I Umm I don't know, I found you in the forest while I was collecting flowers but you were inside this magic bubble thing, it was so unusual"

Marinette's eye's widened, that was the same bubble Lady Majestueux described.

Marinette: "I Umm have to go!"

Marinette ran out of the door.

Marinette: "thanks mum for explaining everything!!!"

Marinette waved goodbye.

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