~Antics of a drunk Mahi~

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"You don't remember?" Yuvi asked, his eyebrow slightly raised.

"At all?" Bhajji finished lookeing at Mahi suggestively.

But Mahi honestly had no idea what they were getting at or talking about.

"Okay, let's see if this rings a bell.
'Pani? Who needs Pani? Pani is for fishes!'" said Yuvi, in what Mahi knew was an attempt to sound like him.

It was a very bad attempt, but Yuvi had jokingly mocked Mahi enough times that Mahi knew when Yuvi was trying to imitate him.

"I said that?" Mahi questioned, looking at Virat. Yuvi and Bhajji were good at keeping straight faces when lying and both of them had been his friends so long that they could totally act like that during a prank and they weren't at all scared of him.

While Virat was new and a lot easier to break. And a total mess while trying to hide something from them. Mahi knew when he wasn't being truthful. He was a nervous wreck. But Virat nodded his head in agreement. So either he had been practicing all morning or the two boys were telling the truth.

"Yeah, right before you jumped on the table and starting singing," informed Virat innocently giggling.

Mahi stared at his friends nervously, wondering if what the were saying was true. A feeling of utter horror washed over Mahi.

"Tell me he's joking," he demanded, pointing to the still giggling boy who was about to fall off the bed from giggling and trying to go as far as possible from Mahi.

"If only we could," said Yuvi, his stupid, goofy smile from before returning.

"Yes, you wrote a very touching love song for someone called Sakshi," Bhajji informed him very-very sweetly and warning bells started ringing furiously in Mahi's brain.

"So, who's this Sakshi?? Mahiyaaaa. You didn't tell your one and only bestie about her. You know I am the best help, right" Yuvi said wiggling his eyebrows all suggestively and Mahi was ready to jump out of the window or let the earth swallow him up. Whichever came first.

There was an odd feeling in Mahi's stomach. Almost like someone was playing with his intestines,  knoting, unknoting and tying in in different shapes and forms.

Very vaguely he was starting to remember. He remembered jumping onto the table and kicking off everything that was on it. He remembered laughing and cheering and Yuvi's obnoxious challenging tone;

"You're such a puss Mahi. Even a girl can drink more shots then you. Will you drink or should I call Virat to compete? I think It'll be fun to see what a drunk Virat can do? The kid is too much of a fluff ball and goody shoes otherwise."

Yups, he is definitely going to murder one Yuvraj Singh and forbid Virat from going anywhere near Yuvi ever. Virat was good being an adorable puppy. No need, for spoiling that kid.

And yes, he is definitely going to murder Yuviii.

Though he didn't indulge Yuvi with an reply. That git totally didn't deserve it. He knew it was him who was somehow at fault here? The git had really challenged or coaxed him in some kind of drinking competition. Mahi was more than 100% sure of that fact. And just when his head will stop ringing. He'll definitely use his perfect batting skills on Yuviii.

~Yes Captain~Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat