Chapter 5

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Mrs. Sandra ran through the hall to the principals office.

"Hello Mr. Rufo" Said Mrs. Sandra

"Ahh Mrs. Sandra, how can I help you?" Asked Mr. Rufo

"They snuck out again." Said Mrs. Sandra

"Oh I see. Not again."

"I'm sorry-

"No, no it's okay. Kids make these mistakes." Said Mr. Rufo

He grabbed his phone and dialed in the girls parents.

Back to Anne, Sasha and Marcy

"Woah! That was intense!" Said Anne

"I told you coming here was a good idea." Said Sasha

"I never said it was a good idea but I'll admit that it was fun." Said Anne

"Aww man, do we have to go back to school?There's this new virtual reality set that features the Legend of Zelda! Ahh a classic." Asked Marcy

"Do you want to get busted?" Asked Sasha

"No." Said Marcy

"Exactly, now come on Nerds." Said Sasha

Sasha left the amusement park and Anne and Marcy followed behind her. They were able to get to the school and they got inside and just when they thought they were Home free, this announcement came

Anne, Sasha and Marcy please come to the principals office

"Uh oh." Said Sasha

"I told you this was a bad idea, now we'll be in trouble again!" Said Anne

"I'm sure it's only because Mrs. Sandra's searching for us." Said Sasha

"I doubt that." Said Marcy under her breath

Sasha glared at Marcy. They walked over to Mr. Rufo's office and saw their parents in there near Mr. Rufo

"Hello girls, how was your day?"

Anne didn't know what to say. She was conned by Sasha again and now they're in huge trouble and based on Mr. Rufo's voice, it sounded serious.

"Please sit down." Said Mr. Rufo

Anne, Sasha and Marcy sat down next to their parents. Their parents gave them a look of disappointment.

"Kids, I know you snuck out of school and me and your parents aren't happy."

"Mr. Rufo, it isn't what you think it is" Said Sasha

"Sasha please let me finish. You, Anne and Marcy have snuck out before and each time we always caught you. I hoped you would have learned your lesson but you still haven't, so I'm sorry but you're suspended."

"WHAT?" Said the girls at the same time

"Why do I have to be suspended? It was Sasha's idea to escape!" Said Marcy

"MARCY!" Said Sasha


"I know but you and Anne followed her and now you have to follow her punishment. I'm sorry. Don't worry your punishment will only be for a week starting today, Please leave my office and go get your school supplies."

"But Mr. Rufo-

"Now Sasha if you didn't want to be punished you shouldn't have done this, now no more talking please get your stuff." Said Mr. Rufo

Sasha and her parents left. Marcy hugged Anne and whispered something in her ear.


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