Chapter 3

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Later in the day .....

"Hey Anne can I tell you something?" Asked Sasha

"Sure, what's up?" Asked Anne

"I think the new kid's cute." Said Sasha

"Which new kid? There's a bunch of new kids now." Said Anne

"Sprig." Said Sasha

"Ooooo Sasha has a little crush." Said Anne as she smirked at her

"Whatever, can you go see if Sprig's single?" Asked Sasha

"Sure." Said Anne.

She searched for Sprig and saw him walking into the Library. Anne followed him into the library and saw him reading a bunch of books.

"Hi Sprig!" Asked Anne

Sprig looked behind him and saw Anne smiling at him.

"Hey Anne." Greeted Sprig

"Whatcha reading?" Asked Anne as she sat next to him.

"I'm reading about a magic Chest called the Calamity Box." Answered Sprig

"Why do you want to read about that?" Asked Anne

"Because uhhh It'll help me get back to my family. You see I found this chest and it's because of this chest that I'm separated from my family 🙁🙁🙁🙁-

Anne frowned, she couldn't help but feel sorry for him. She put her hand on top of his, Sprig looked at her hand and he smiled at her.

"But if I figure out the chest, I can go back home and see my family again 😄😄😄" Said Sprig.

"Okay, what does your family look like?"

"Promise you won't judge?"

Anne nodded her head yes. Sprig grabbed a photo from his pocket and gave it to Anne. She looked at it. She then looked at Sprig like he was tricking her

"Why are you a frog?" Asked Anne

"Oh I come from a world of frogs! I live in the strange world of Amphibia!"

Anne blinked at Sprig.

"You're kidding right? You photoshopped this didn't you?" Asked Anne

"What's Photoshop?"

"It's when you edit a photo, you edited it so you would look like a frog." Said Anne

"I swear I didn't photoshop it!" Said Sprig

Sprig started to look kinda sad that Anne wasn't believing him, although he couldn't blame her, if someone walked up to you and said they live in a world where talking frogs exist would you believe the person?

"I'm sorry Sprig, I want to believe you it's just that it seems impossible." Said Anne

"That's okay, if I was in your shoes I probably wouldn't believe this either. Just believe this, This chest will help me get home." Said Sprig

Anne looked into Sprigs eyes and saw that he deeply believed that this chest was key to getting back to his family.

"Okay, I believe you. Not about you being a frog but about the chest helping you get home."

"Thanks Anne, you're the best!" Said Sprig

Anne was about to leave the library when she remembered why Anne was there in the first place

"Oh before I forget, Are you single?" Asked Anne

"Yes, I'm not dating anyone. Why?"

"My friend was wondering that."

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