Chapter 2

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Sprig was not awake. He didn't know if he could wake up, this chest took him who knows where. He was scared, what happened to him?, where was he?, What would happen if he opened his eyes?, was this a dream? Sprig finally opened his eyes and he saw that he was on the ground, there were some people looking at him and others just walking past him. He got up.

"Where am I? Oh my head it hurts." Thought Sprig.

"I need that chest. It sent me here, it can send me back right?" Thought Sprig

He looked around and realized the chest was nowhere to be found.

"Oh no where's the chest?!" This is bad!" Said Sprig.

"Uhh hello?"

Sprig looked behind her and he saw a girl with big brown hair, holding the chest

"Were you looking for this?" Asked the girl

"Oh my god! Thank you!" Said Sprig.

He tackled the girl with a hug and lifted her in the air

"You have no idea how important the chest is to me!" Said Sprig

The girl hugged back until Sprig finally let her go.

"I'm so happy, I could kiss you!" Said Sprig

The girl blushed and Sprig kept celebrating. She shrugged it off since he was so happy and probably wasn't even paying attention to his words.

"So, you got a name stranger?"

"My names Anne, Anne Boonchuy"

"I'm Sprig Planter. Put it there." Said Sprig as he stuck out his hand.

Anne shook it and they just smiled at each other

"Well my friend's waiting for me so I should get going, see you later." Said Anne as she waved goodbye and left

"She was nice, Well time to go home!" Said Sprig.

He opened the chest and closed his eyes

Nothing happened.

"Huh? Why isn't this working?" Asked Sprig

He opened the chest over and over but the magic wasn't there. He looked at the jewels and saw that the colors were gone. Sprig sighed

"Oh no! It can't stop working, Not now! I need to go home! I need to go to Polly and Hop Pop! I need to go back to them!" Yelled Sprig as he opened the chest over and over again

He got so angry that it wasn't working that he threw it to the ground. He sat down and started crying.

"I need to see them again 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭!" Said Sprig as he cried

"Looks like you're gonna be here a while." Thought Sprig

He was about to cry again when he got an idea

"I know! I'll do what Hop pop told me, Research! There's gotta be something about this chest in a ...... library!" Said Sprig

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