16. locked up | part 2 [🔒]

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There was an awkward silence between the two of you as you walked through the dark forest. The  full moon's light was shining through the cracks of the branches, which was your only source of light at the moment.

You  didn't know what to say. You scour your brain for topics you could talk about, thinking back  to the conversations you had in your cell. You didn't understand what was going on with you.

You instantly had a connection with him when you first met him. It seemed so easy to be with him in that moment.

But now, your felt nervous to be around him. Ever time he looked at you or brushed your hand against his, your heart rate jack-hammered and your palms would sweat. Heat would rise up to your cheeks.

As you walked beside him, you couldn't help but stare at him for a while. His shaggy black hair bounced as he walked, a myriad of light freckles blanketed his cheekbones, and his light blue eyes shone in the moonlight.

You couldn't explain this feeling that arose in you, but nonetheless you didn't want it to go away.
As you continued to look at him, you suddenly stepped on a rock and stumbled forward. You were bracing yourself to hit face first on the ground.

That was until you felt a hand pull you up.

In a split second, Varian had caught you and pulled your hand as your body moved swiftly towards him. Your bodies now facing each other, with his other hand on your back.

Your faces were so close, you could feel his heavy breathing on you. Noses so close, they almost graze against each other. You looked into his blue eyes, closer to you than they've ever been   as it twinkled under the moonlight. Your heart was pounding so loud, it felt like he could hear it as well. 

You resisted the desire to close the distance between the two of you, as you pushed him away.

"Uhm- I-, uh thanks." You stuttered as you tried to

"No problem." 

You continued to walk through the endless woods with nothing but the breeze and crickets accompanying you until you came upon a clearing.

"(Y/N), uhm" He looked down, avoiding your gaze as he fiddled with his fingers. "Would you like to take a break and uh spend the night here?"

You looked in the other direction as well, still embarrassed. "Sure, uh I'm gonna go find some wood to start a fire." You said as an excuse to avoid him for awhile. 

As you began to walk over to the trees, he held onto your hand and stopped you in your tracks.

"No, I'll look for those myself." He said as he gestured you to a log. "You should sit down, take a break and rest . You've probably had a long night."

As he walked off into the trees, you sat down on the log alone with your thoughts. 

"What the hell is going on with you?" You felt like pulling your hair out, as you were so frustrated with yourself.

"For goodness' sake you've only met him a few hours ago! You don't even know why he landed in prison and now he's helping you! What if he has some ulterior motive? What if he wants to kill me?"

You continued on ranting, thinking that you should have set your priorities straight. 

"Who knows? He might even be working for The Baron so he can keep his eyes on me! Wait no, that's crazy. He isn't, ⎯⎯ right?"

As you tried to think straight, you hear a high pitched scream coming from the trees beyond.

You stiffened in your seat. Your eyes widened as you felt your blood run cold.

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