Finally the car stopped and all four adults exited the car, Malai stepping out and Taeyong immediately separating to get back stage.

They found their seats and sat, watching as important business people got interviewed and commerced between themselves.

Malai knew when was long forgotten from the spotlight, her little fiasco only being in the news for three months. She didn't miss it one bit though, she never was one for the big light or camera. It was only her brother's name that people knew.

"Hello everyone," Taeyong's voice boomed.

Up on stage her little brother, who had grown up to be about Taeyong's height, was standing next to Taeyong. She smiled and waved a little, Prasong seeing her immediately and giving her a little wink.

His face was shinning as he had highlight and a little eyeliner on the was flicked out perfectly. His hair was gelled back, and he had a dainty necklace laying on his neck. He had only pierced his ears once, but Malai knew from his texts that he also had a belly button piercing.

He had grown up so much.

She couldn't even pay attention to the words he was saying as he signed the paper that legally made him the CEO and Owner of the once empired Wongsaraya company.

She smiled as everyone stood to clap, letting out her little rebellious side when she let out a little holler.

After all that had happened, Malai was happy seeing Prasong get what he deserved. The company, and a future that he had worked so hard for.

When the meeting was over she saw Prasong and another boy bounding down the steps. The other boy had blue hair that had an undercut. He had earring lining his ears and a bright smile as the two ran to Malai.

"Lai," Prasong shouted with glee as he barreled into his older sister's small frame.

"Oh god Song," Malai yelped as she stumbled back, Ten instantly placing his hand on her back to keep her standing.

Prasong wrapped his arms around his older sister and trying to shrink his body to become smaller.

"I apologize," the blue headed boy said, "he's such a little spoon sometimes. I'm guessing you're his older sister, Malai?"

Malai smiled as Prasong unwrapped himself from her and shuffled back to the other boy.

"That would be correct," she said, "and you are?"

"I'm Changmin," he said bowing, "uhm Prasong's soulmate."

"Oh of course," Malai said putting two and two together.

The day melted away into night as Malai reconnected with her little brother and friends, occasionally passing jokes of her parents enjoying their orange jumpsuits.

Finally the sun began to set and Malai sat next to Ten on their balcony of their hotel room.

"Jeez I feel like just yesterday I was so close to punching Byungchul," he muttered as the watched birds flutter in the trees.

Malai shivered at the mention of his name.

"What do you think happened to him," she said.

"Don't know," Ten shrugged, "hope he got run over by a water truck though."

He let out a small snicker while Malai hit his arm, then rested her head on his shoulder watching him doodle on his iPad.

"I would do it all again though," he mumbled as he brushed some of Malai's hair out of her face.


"I mean I would shove you out of the way any day to get some dessert," Ten chuckled as he watched Malai's face form one of annoyance.

"Oh yeah and I would've slapped you all over again."

Ten smiled as he remembered the mark on the side of his face where Malai had promptly hit him after he had stolen her piece of cake at the art auction.

"That's good," he said, "because then we would've never gotten to where we are now."

Malai smiled as she leaned up to peck his lips.

"Thank you."

"For what," he said.

"For not giving up."

"Like I would've when you were my only option."

She snickered before twisting the engagement ring on her finger, the ring clinking with the wedding band on the same finger.

"Sempiternal," she whispered as she watched Ten incorporate the word into his drawing.

She smiled when he clicked finish and sent it to her.

"Everlasting or eternal."

And that's a wrap folks

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And that's a wrap folks

sempiternal⤃ Ten FanficWhere stories live. Discover now