"It's the first time I am going to appear for an exam without being scared of failing. Thank you, head boy", teased Abhimanyu.

Nandini chuckled when the tips of his ears started turning red. She would have happily joined her best friend but then he got a text from his father about his whereabouts. They realized it was more than three hours since their college got over.

"I guess I need to show the proof that I am still alive to my parents. Thanks, Manik", he said again and asked Mukti if she would come along.

"I need to wait for Cabir", said Manik.

"I will wait with you", offered Nandini. She felt Abhimanyu's gaze upon her and ignored him.

He shook his head and kissed her head before leaving with Mukti.

Nandini dreaded the awkward silences between Manik and her. The boy was already not very comfortable and the awkwardness only added to his disadvantage. She was twirling her pen between her fingers when Manik broke the silence.

"You didn't say anything about the results. Is it going to be awkward between us? I don't know what to think about all this", he muttered, fiddling with his fingers.

"Manik", she sighed and shook her head before reaching out for his fingers and looked at him. "I am happy. In fact, very happy. I don't know why all this affects me so much. I guess it's because I will finally have a friend to work with me instead of someone who would only add troubles but I didn't want to reveal my emotions to people. The rumors spread and I don't want you to start your journey on a bad note. This is important for you", she explained.

Manik laughed, confused, and unsure. "I don't know how complicated your brain works. I think you are being paranoid for no reason."

She chuckled. She might be paranoid but she had a good reason to be. It has been years and Nandini isn't used to good things happening to her. She didn't explain that to him. He didn't need to face the cruelties of life as of yet.


Nandini didn't even realize when the three weeks had passed and it was time for the exams already. The last week was given as a preparation holiday but since they all thought it would be better if they had Manik close by and hence they all gathered up in the college library every day.

The first years mostly had their exams in the morning session while the second years had it in the second half. Since Manik accompanied Cabir, he had to go to the college in the morning and was waiting for their friends in the canteen by the time Nandini reached along with Abhimanyu and Mukti.

Cabir was munching his sandwiches while ignoring Manik beside him, who was too restless to be considered as normal. Nandini groaned and stormed off to their table. She wrapped an arm around Manik's shoulder, startling him but when he gaped at her, she gave him a smile. "Breath, okay?", she told him softly. The younger twin was still nonchalant about the whole ordeal. "Dude, would you stop eating for one goddamned second? Your brother is close to having a panic attack here."

"Dude, trust me, it's very normal", he told.

She ignored him. She didn't need to mess her temper right before the exam and concentrated on getting Manik back to normal. Abhimanyu was helping him take small sips of water.

"How did your exam go?", asked Mukti.

"Excellent. I will pass", told Cabir, grinning.

Nandini rolled her eyes and checked the time. It was time to leave for the exam hall. She told Manik the same. Once he gulped down some water, Cabir hugged him tight and whispered something in his ear to which Manik nodded and gave a smile.

On their way when Manik was still restless, Nandini slowed down and pulled Manik by hand, letting herself fall behind Abhimanyu and Mukti. "What's bothering you?", she whispered.

"I will fail", he hissed. "I should have studied harder without sneaking into books before the exam. I don't even remember...."

"Manik", Nandini said, tugging his arm and pulling him back from his rant. "Dude, you taught us everything. At least, show some confidence to motivate us."

"Nandini", he whined.

"Manik, you will be fine. Listen, you know what you are studying, you understand it instead of mugging up. Half of the teachers are betting on you to be the topper this year and here you are thinking nonsense. Buckle up, Malhotra. Show them what you are", she said, grinning and pulled him inside the class without listening to his protests.


While the others submitted their papers half an hour prior to the final time, Manik used his whole three hours. Cabir was on a call with his mother and Nandini ignored him again. Mukti was beside her, exhausted, and her sweet boyfriend went to order something for all of them to eat.

Half an hour later Manik came to the canteen, shoulders slumped forward as if he was carrying the burden of the world on his shoulders. Cabir, who was talking to Abhimanyu, took his mobile out and dialed a number before handing it over to Manik. "Bhai, mom wanted to talk to you", he said, giving a sweet smile.

Manik nodded. Keeping his bag on a chair, he stepped away for some privacy.

As soon as he was away, Nandini banged her hand on the table in front of the younger twin. "Why are being this heartless today? Can't you see he isn't on his elements since morning?", she asked. She noticed Abhimanyu all perked up, staring at the two of them.

Cabir, the idiot, burst out laughing. "Nandini, you are so sweet", he said, between his laughter. "This is a regular thing for us. It's your first time. Give it a semester or two, you will get habituated to it."

Nandini frowned in confusion but she didn't want to feed his ego by asking him any further question. Instead, she waited for Manik to finish his call. She was relieved to see he had a small smile on his lips. Looks like the Nyonika Malhotra is capable of making her son smile.

"Manik, how did your exam go?", she asked as soon as he sat down. Cabir was forcing him to eat some sandwiches.

The boy shrugged casually. "It's fine. I forgot a question."

"Question?", asked Abhimnayu. "Just one question?"

"I have read about it but I couldn't remember it", he told. "It's a four mark one. I should have studied harder", he said, muttering the last line to himself.

"So, you are scoring 96 in this paper?", asked Mukti, "In chemistry?"

"I don't like that one. I can't even remember them properly. They all are confusing", he complained, clearing ignoring the marks Mukti said. 

Nandini gaped at him and when she did the mistake of looking at the younger Malhotra, he smirked at her, a 'told you' written all over his face. Nandini huffed in annoyance.

Mukti rubbed her forehead and looked at Cabir. "Don't tell me you are scoring a hundred in your paper? I might get a heart attack here."

Cabir grinned. "Don't worry. Half a hundred at max."

"Bro, you said your paper was excellent", pointed out Abhimanyu.

"Bro, my definition of excellent varies with my brother's. Don't bother comparing. He even undergoes a panic attack before every exam to score a number close to hundred", he told.

"How the hell are they even twins?", Mukti asked Nandini in disbelief.

"Tell me about it, best friend", she muttered with a sigh. 

So we are done with the semester exams. Yay. :P

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